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Writer's pictureScience for Peace

Science for Peace

Editor’s note: This Bulletin is open to notices, correspondence and brief reviews of important articles and books. It now costs at least 30C to mail each issue off campus; if any recipient has an alternative address within an Ontario university, the Government of Ontario or the Toronto Board of Education, please inform the editor so we can make use of an internal mail system.

Editor: E.J. Barbeau, c/o Room A102, University College, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1. Phone: (416) 978-8601.

SFP thanks Doreen Morton for typing this Bulletin.

82.13. Annual General Meeting: March 31, 1982

The President’s Report is enclosed, together with the new Board of Direc-tors and reports on the two major projects in 1981 of Science for Peace:

  1. Chair of Peace Studies at University of Toronto.

  2. International Satellite Monitoring Agency (ISMA)

82.14. Membership Campaign

(a) Members: Each one of you is asked to copy the enclosed STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES and MEMBERSHIP application form, and actively to solicit membership of Science for Peace among your/friends and colleagues. Write for more forms if need be.

We remind you that your enthusiasm in recruiting new members should be tem-pered by the recollection that it is intended that Science for Peace should be action-oriented: it will define itself by its actions, which will normally be taken by individual members or sub-groups. Thus we should expect normally any member of Science For Peace to develop expertise in one of our research projects (see 82.18), in some educational activity (see 82.17 and 82.21) or organisational activity.

(b) Directors and Members are urged to form ad hoc Chapters of Science For Peace in cities across Canada, the formal relation to the national organisation to be worked out later. Such a Chapter should participate now in the local city network or coalition for peace and disarmament (e.g. in Toronto the Toronto Disarmament Network) to help organise events relating to UNSSOD II (see 82.19). A local Chapter should also be planning,now, educational activities for the Fall of 1982 (see 82.22). Membership will include, of course, local members of the national organisation (see the enclosed membership list of Science For Peace), but should also look for members to Academics For Nuclear Disarmament (whose local membership lists are available on request from the President) and to the Canadian

– Peace Research and Education Association (CPREA: see 82.15).

82.15. Membership Renewals

Membership renewals are due now for all directors ($25.) and members who joined Science for Peace before 1 July, 1981 ($15. and $5. respectively for students and senior citizens or $25. for group and family membership).

Social and Human Scientists are welcome to join Science for Peace. They should consider also joining the Canadian Peace Research and Education Associa-tion (CPREA), which will cost them only an additional $5. since Science For Peace and CPREA have a reciprocal membership arrangement. Full membership of CPREA for $20. will bring them also a subscription to the CPREA Journal. Write directly to Professor M.V. Naidu, Department of Political Economy, Brandon University, Brandon, Manitoba R7A 6A9, (telephone 204-728-5835) or call Don Bryant who is editor of the CPREA newsleter at 439-8356.

82.33. Stop Press

Recommendation no. 27 of the NINTH REPORT of the parliamentary standing committee on External Affairs and National Defence reads as follows:

“The Committee believes strongly that the Government should support in principle the establishment of an International Satellite Monitoring Agency (ISMA) and seek to work out a satisfactory agreement concerning its authority and functions in co-operation with the other members of the world community. At UNSSOD II Canada should give affirmative support to dis-cussions on this question, with a view to our active participa-tion in the agency”.

Congratulations Tom Clark, Lynn Trainor who did so much to get this proposal through, and to Franklyn Griffiths, John Polanyi, George Ignatieff who supported the idea so excellently and to Bill Epstein who was suggesting it many years before Giscord D’Estaing!

Purposes of Science for Peace

The annual general meeting of Science for Peace voted on 31st March to change the wording of our purposes to read as follows


  1. to raise awareness, especially among Canadian scientists and educators, of the clear and pre-sent danger of war waged with weapons of mass destruction, especially nuclear weapons;

  2. to make specific proposals towards reducing the danger of war;

  3. to encourage scientific activities directed towards peace, and to urge the publication and dissemina-tion of the findings of peace research;

  4. to encourage educational activities directed towards peace;

  5. to interact with other expert groups for exchange of information, and for educational and research activities;

  6. to prevent scientific and technical advice to other groups having compatible objectives.

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