SfP Bulletin February 2017
The President’s Corner: Science for Peace as a Foreign Language Metta Spencer
Report of the Working Group on Global Governance Helmut Burkhardt
Report of the Working Group on Non-violence Ellie Kirzner
Science for Peace Position 2017? NATO, Canada, USA, and Russia William Browett and Phyllis Creighton
Fact Sheet: A NATO primer Center for a New American Security
Report of the Working Group on Oceans and Frontiers Venilla Rajaguru
Report of the Nuclear Weapons working group Rob Acheson
UN Votes to Outlaw Nuclear Weapons in 2017 International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
Winter 2017 Lecture Series Science for Peace
in memoriam Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin May 2016
Peter Nicholls (1935 –2014) Metta Spencer (1)
Panglossing the Climate Emergency Connecting the Crises of Climate Change, Militarization, Extreme Poverty Judith Deutsch
President’s Corner: Controversy and Conversation Metta Spencer
Report of the Working Group on Freedom of Research Chandler Davis
Report of the Working Group on Drones Michel Duguay
Report of the Working Group on Community Sustainability Lloyd Helferty
Report of the Working Group on Good Global Governance Helmut Burkhardt
Report of the Working Group on Oceans Ocean Frontiers: the pragmatic search for peace Venilla Rajaguru
Report of the Working Group on Nuclear Weapons Rob Acheson
Report of the Working Group on Nonviolence Metta Spencer
SfP Bulletin May 2015
Standing Up for Science for Peace John McMurtry (1)
Munk School of Global Affairs and the Harper Government collaborate on “Direct Diplomacy” in Iran Judith Deutsch (1)
Ukraine, Russia, the United States and the Threat of Nuclear War Judith Deutsch
President’s Corner: When Saving Others Doesn’t Work Metta Spencer (2)
Degrowth: A Snail’s Eye View of Social Transformation and Ecological Preservation Andrea Levy (1)
SfP Bulletin October 2014
Corporate Globalization and Society Destruction: Joining the Dots of War and Peace in Ukraine John McMurtry
U of T BEES Pieter Basedow
Refusing to be Enemies: Palestinian and Israeli Nonviolent Resistance to the Israeli Occupation. By Maxine Kaufman-Lacusta, Ithaca Press 2010: Reading UK. Judith Deutsch (2)
Excerpt from the preface of “Stochastic Processes” by John W. Lamperti (Springer, 1977) Science for Peace (1)
Gaza 2014: Speakable Atrocities, Speaking Up Judith Deutsch
SfP Bulletin June 2014
A Tribute to Lee Lorch Science for Peace
Why the UofT Should Divest from Violations of International Law Science for Peace
Science for Peace AGM 2014 Science for Peace
Book review: The Wealth of Nature: Economics as if survival mattered (By John Michael Greer) Science for Peace
How to Save the World in a Hurry Metta Spencer (1)
SfP Bulletin December 2013
President’s Corner: Making Knowledge Scarce Metta Spencer
A Tribute to Major General (Ret’d) Leonard V Johnson Walter Dorn
A Report on the Librarians and Archivists to Palestine Delegation, June 23-July 4, 2013 Blair Kuntz
Deep-sixing the Deep Geological Nuclear Waste Repository Jim Deutsch
Book review: America the Possible: Manifesto for a New Economy by James Gustave Speth Derek Paul
SfP Bulletin May 2013
A Tribute to Shirley Farlinger Janis Alton
President’s Corner: Constraints on Freedom of Scholarship and Science Metta Spencer
Board & Executive Nominations / AGM 2013 Science for Peace
The Environmental Impacts of Intensive Livestock Operations in Canada Paul York
SfP Bulletin September 2012
President’s Corner: Can Anyone Help Syria? Metta Spencer (2)
The Muzzling of Science in Canada Margrit Eichler (2)
Science for Peace Activities for 2012 / 2013 Science for Peace
Guaranteeing Income Derek Paul
Remembering Rosalie Bertell (1929-2012) Shirley Farlinger
Book Review: What do we talk about when we talk about war? (By Noah Richler) Shirley Farlinger (2)
SfP Bulletin April 2012
Climate Justice, Contraction and Convergence, and Eliminating GHG Emissions Judith Deutsch
The Trial of Hassan Diab Science for Peace
Resist U.S. imperialist war threats on Iran Sara Flounders
Another Bank is Possible Jim Deutsch
Iran Teach-In, February 25, 2012 Science for Peace
Book Review: No Debate: The Israel lobby and free speech at Canadian universities Chandler Davis
SfP Bulletin November 2011
President’s Letter: Science and Reason Judith Deutsch
Mapping a Freedom to Learn: Why Students Must Maintain Their Right to Organize on Canadian Campuses Angela Regnier
The US Military Assault on Global Climate H. Patricia Hynes
Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose: a 30-Year Retrospective of Science for Peace Judith Deutsch
On the Shoulders of Giants Peter Nicholls
Evolving with the Times Marion Dove
The Future of Science for Peace Shirley Farlinger
The New State of South Sudan: An Opportunity for Better Health Care? Sara Suliman
Climate Politics at the Crossroads Jacqueline Medalye
SfP Bulletin April 2011
Message from the President of Science for Peace Judith Deutsch
Celebrate Our 30th! Derek Paul
Sudan’s Secession Referendum: A Historical Punctuation Mark in the Making Gussai Sheikheldin
Peace and Democracy in Russia Metta Spencer
In Memoriam: Terry Gardner, A Man to Remember Shirley Farlinger
Editor’s Book Nook Shirley Farlinger
SfP Bulletin October 2010
Message from the President of Science for Peace Judith Deutsch
Can the U of T Be an Agent for Social Change? Sara Suliman
Climate Change and Industrial Agriculture Edwin Daniel
Biochar-Enhanced Sequestration of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Derek Paul
65 Years: It’s Time to Retire the Bomb! Phyllis Creighton
At the Edge Chandler Davis
Editor’s Book Nook Shirley Farlinger
SfP Bulletin April 2010
Message from the President of Science for Peace Judith Deutsch
Disasters List Sam Lanfranco
Getting Over Our Nuclear Denial John Polanyi
Meeting with MP Bob Rae Rose Dyson
Biochar David Harries
Reflections on the Public Forum on Food and Population – How Many Can We Feed? Helmut Burkhardt
In Memoriam: Robert McCallum Baxter Metta Spencer
New Tower Chandler Davis
Comments on Some Books and Articles on Food and Population Judith Deutsch
Editor’s Book Nook Shirley Farlinger
SfP Bulletin January 2010
Message from the President of Science for Peace Judith Deutsch
An Arctic Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone: Why is now the time? Phyllis Creighton
Roundtable on Food and Population Derek Paul
Open Letter on Climate Change Science for Peace
Toronto Wants Zero Nuclear Weapons Metta Spencer
Obama and the NPT Anna Jaikaran
In Memoriam: Eric Tollefson 1921-2009 Derek Paul
In Memoriam: Admiral Robert Falls 1924-2009 Science for Peace
Editor’s Book Nook Shirley Farlinger
SfP Bulletin September 2009
Message from the President of Science for Peace Judith Deutsch
The State of Global Food Production and Recommendations for the Future Leslie Jermyn
Hope for a Nuclear-Free World Phyllis Creighton
Meeting with MP Carolyn Bennett Science for Peace
Peace and Protest in the UK Science for Peace
Our Annual General Meeting Derek Paul
Book Nook Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin April 2009
Note from the President of Science for Peace Judith Deutsch
What Can You Do Through Mayors for Peace? Phyllis Creighton
The Nuclear Abolition Imperative Bev Delong
Peace Studies Robert Stewart
Gaza and Israel Judith Deutsch
In Memoriam: John McRuer Kenneth Mackay
Book Nook Science for Peace
Science for Peace Notes Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin December 2008
Note from the President of Science for Peace Judith Deutsch
Roundtable on Freshwater Cameron Harrington
Can we create a low-carbon world? Science for Peace
Resolutions for the Canadian Peace Alliance AGM Science for Peace
In Memoriam: Ross Wilcock Helmut Burkhardt
Announcements Science for Peace
Book Nook Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin October 2008
Note from the President of Science for Peace Judith Deutsch
Water Crisis Oliver Brandes
Public Forum: Fresh Water Problems: Emerging Threats and Urgent Priorities Science for Peace
Petroleum, Power and Fear: Challenges for Canada John Foster
The Race for the U.S. Presidency: What does it mean for Canada? Rose Dyson
In Memory of Alan F. Phillips MD Science for Peace
Announcements Science for Peace
Book Nook Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin July 2008
Note from the New President of Science for Peace Judith Deutsch
The Science for Peace Vocation John McMurtry
Militarism in Canada Today: What do we do about it? Murray Thomson
Nuclear Weapons: Just Say “No”! Phyllis Creighton
Brief to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology Derek Paul
Book Release: Sustainable Life on Earth Colin Soskolne
In Memory of Lynn Trainor John Valleau
Remembering John Buttrick Jean Smith
Announcements Science for Peace
Book Nook Science for Peace
Report from the Science for Peace Annual General Meeting Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin April 2008
A Note from the President Paul Hamel
Climate Change and Carbon Taxes Derek Paul
Zerofootprint’s Emissions Calculator Launched in Toronto – 26 February 2008 Adele Buckley
Step One: Reducing the Ecological Footprint by Changing Technology Helmut Burkhardt
The Science for Peace Carbon Tax Committee Metta Spencer
Gaza — Humanitarian Emergency and the Threat of Nuclear War Judith Deutsch
Governments Lie Jean Smith
What the Presidential Candidates Say – and Don’t Say Metta Spencer
UK CND goes mainstream – Golden Anniversary Meeting Peter Nicholls
International Peace Bureau in Alexandria, Egypt Janis Alton
Science for Peace Forum: Can I Have a Say in Our Future? Science for Peace
Announcements Science for Peace
Book Nook Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin December 2007
The Work of the Global Issues Project and the Wasan Action Framework Derek Paul
A Note from the Science for Peace President Paul Hamel
Findings on Extreme Violence Judith Deutsch
Where does peace begin? Phyllis Creighton
Culture of Peace-Culture of War Derek Paul
Wanted: Writers Who Will Work for Change Metta Spencer
The Wasan Action Framework various
SfP Bulletin Summer 2007
Editorial Science for Peace
The Myth of Peacekeeping: Kabir Joshi-Vijayan
Military Related Research at the University of Western Ontario Nick Dyer-Witheford
Norman Alcock, 1918-2007: Grieving, Remembering and Celebrating Derek Paul
Walter Josephy 1920-2007 David Josephy
New Book Release by Science for Peace Board Member Science for Peace
Notes and letters Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin Winter 2007: Anatol Rapoport tribute
Anatol Rapoport: a tribute Derek Paul
Dr. Anatol Rapoport Scholarship Fund Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin December 2006: Roundtable on Forests
The Roundtable on Forests Derek Paul
SfP Bulletin Fall 2006
Canada in Afghanistan Science for Peace
Towards a Federal Department of Peace in Canada Bill Bhaneja
Vancouver World Peace Forum’s Vision Phyllis Creighton
Reed Elsevier & the arms trade: profiting from both cause and cure Tom Stafford
The Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza Judith Deutsch
SfP Bulletin March 2006: 25th Anniversary Issue
25 Years of Science for Peace Derek Paul
Rising Tide of Climate Change Derek Paul
Canada and Nuclear Weapons Phyllis Creighton
Violent Entertainment: The Real Elephant in the Room Rose Dyson
Structural Violence Paul Hamel
Atomic Politics Science for Peace
Science for Peace Working Group Reports Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin September 2005
From the President’s Desk Nancy Olivieri
Nuclear Alert Phyllis Creighton
Science Matters: Taking the planet for a spin David Suzuki
Two Koreas: One Hope for Peace Hani Kim
Science For Peace Renewal Shirley Farlinger
David Lange’s Peace Legacy Lives On Kate Dewes
Albert Einstein Science for Peace
1000 Women Nobel Peace Prize Nominations 2005 Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin May 2005
Update on OISE/IKIT Research Rose Dyson
Terminators Galore! Joe Cummins
Kyoto primer Students of Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin February 2005
Social Science Commentary on Abu Ghraib Floyd Rudmin
Rational Scheme for a Reformed UN Security Council Hanna Newcombe
Writing a Letter to the Prime Minister Derek Paul
The Reciprocal Signalling Cascade Between State and Non-State Terrorists Paul Hamel
Videos Available at the SFP office Jean Smith
IHTEC and the Working Group on Peace and Sustainability Education Julia Morton-Marr
Global Sustainability Education Video Conference Julia Morton-Marr
Norman Alcock is Awarded the Order of Canada Derek Paul
SfP Bulletin September 2004
The Basis of Peace is the Security of the Commons Theresa Wolfwood
War as an Institution Paul Hamel
Crossing the Lines: Kashmir, Pakistan and India Science for Peace
Excerpt from ‘Understanding 9-11 and the 9-11 Wars’ John McMurtry
Electrical Energy Consumption: The Human Side of the Problem Derek Paul
Justifications and Racism: Hiroshima Day – August 2, 2004 Paul Hamel
Eliminate Launch on Warning Alan Phillips
SfP Bulletin January 2004
Aiding & Abetting War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity Paul Hamel
Report from Europe – November 2003 Peter Nicholls
Environment and War Paul Hamel
Students for Peace Sidrah Ahmad
No Weapons in Space Campaign in Edmonton Lucero Mariani
Rebuttal to Globe & Mail “Star Wars” Editorial John Valleau
Canadian Peace Education Conference Report Julia Morton-Marr
SfP Bulletin May 2003
From the President Paul Hamel
Chomsky and others look at the crisis Chandler Davis
International Solidarity Movement Visit Max Blanco
Educational Module: Weaponization of Space Sidrah Ahmad
It’s A Matter of Vision Barbara Birkett
The Journal of Science for Peace Hani Kim
Working Group on Genetics and Biotechnology Edwin Daniel
New Book Science for Peace
Hamilton Quaker Delegation to DFAIT Hanna Newcombe
SfP-Pugwash Joint Conference Science for Peace
Round-Table Conferences: An Application of Small-Wins Theory Floyd Rudmin
Petrotyranny: 9/11 Causes and Responses John Bacher
Letter to the Editor Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin September 2002
From the President Paul Hamel
Conference: Signs of Hope in the Middle East Science for Peace
Keep Space for Peace Week Carolyn Langdon
Education Campaign on NMD and Weaponization of Space Sidrah Ahmad
September 11: Then and Now Conference and Workshops Paul Hamel
Students for Peace David Sandomierski
Suzuki Talk Science for Peace
In Response Jean Smith
Pugwash Conference Derek Paul
The Kyoto Brief Peter Shepherd
Geneva in July Phyllis Creighton
Peace Declaration Tadatoshi Akiba
Upcoming Films Science for Peace
Policy on Iraq Science for Peace
Book Launch: Uncle Sam and Us by Stephen Clarkson Science for Peace
The Demining Technology Competition Margaret Back
Innu Women Elders Tour Steve Dankowich
SfP Bulletin June 2002
From the President Paul Hamel
Dec. 9 Forum & Teach-in Paul Hamel
Working Groups Derek Paul
Report on the De-mining Technology Competition Margaret Back
Moving Notice Carolyn Langdon
Student Initiative Off the Ground! Carolyn Langdon
Third Interdisciplinary Conference on the Evolution of World Order: From Knowledge to Sound Policy and Action Helmut Burkhardt
Franz Blumenfeld Peace Fund Science for Peace
Genetics and Biotechnology Working Group Edwin Daniel
Intervention and State Sovereignty Forum Science for Peace
Energy Working Group Peter Shepherd
Jewish/Palestinian Peace Movement Representatives tour North America Science for Peace
Human Rights Working Group Phyllis Creighton
Video Presentations Artour Rakhimov
Organising A Campaign Against Space Weapons: A Draft Treaty And A Planning Conference John Valleau
Publications Derek Paul
Science for Peace Annual General Meeting Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin March 2002
From the President Paul Hamel
Publications Derek Paul
New Journal Derek Paul
For Peace and Reconciliation in Israel and Palestine Joe Vise
What is to be done? – a report on war and anti-war from the UK Peter Nicholls
Working Groups Derek Paul
The 2003 Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs Science for Peace
The Ballistic Missile Defence Issue: SfP and NOOS John Valleau
New Concepts of Security Helmut Burkhardt
Third Interdisciplinary Conference on The Evolution of World Order: From Knowledge to Sound Policy and Action Helmut Burkhardt
Roundtable on Energy and Climate Change Helmut Burkhardt
Sustainability and Security Education Round Table Helmut Burkhardt
The Role of Media For Sustainability Helmut Burkhardt
Teach-in: How Canada Should Respond to Terrorism and War Science for Peace
SfP activity report 2001
Partial Summary of Science for Peace Activities During 2001 Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin December 2000
From the President Helmut Burkhardt
From the Editor Bob Baxter
Franz Blumenfeld Peace Foundation, Annual Report Frank Cunningham
Eric Fawcett 1927-2000 Derek Paul
Highlights from the Science for Peace Annual General Meeting Paul Hamel
Space: The Next Frontier for War? Science for Peace
Millennial Forum Science for Peace
Extraterrestrials Have Problems Too Bob Baxter
SfP Bulletin May 2000
Editorial Bob Baxter
Science for Peace Speaks to the Standing Committee on National Defense and Veterans Affairs Paul Hamel
Fourth Annual DFAIT Peacebuilding Consultations Ottawa, March 1 and 2 Eric Fawcett
The Non-Proliferation Treaty, NATO and Canada: The Future of Nuclear Weapons Science for Peace
Should Talisman be in Sudan? Corporate Responsibility and Human Rights Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin December 1999
President’s Message Mel Watkins
From the Editor Bob Baxter
Report from the Blumenfeld Fund Frank Cunningham
Report from Working Group on Genetics and Biotechnology Edwin Daniel
The Hague Appeal for Peace Science for Peace
Globalization, the WTO and You John Valleau
What is the Prognosis for Peace and Stability in South Asia? Science for Peace
Windmill Project Gets the Thumbs Up! ‘Windy Powers’
Youth Science Foundation Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin June 1999
President’s Message Mel Watkins
From the Editor Bob Baxter
Science for Peace Statement on the NATO-Serbia War Science for Peace
Science for Peace Panel Discussion: Can Canada have an independent nuclear weapons policy? Science for Peace
Securing Peace in a Volatile World: Highlights of the Toronto Conference in Support of The Hague Appeal for Peace Campaign Carolyn Langdon
General Lee Butler in Ottawa – 11 March Terry Gardner
New Science for Peace Board of Directors Science for Peace
Gerhard Herzberg 1904-1999 Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin January 1999
President’s Message Mel Watkins
From the Editor Bob Baxter
Hague Appeal for Peace – Canada Carolyn Langdon
Toronto Conference & Forum, March 10-11: Science for Peace
Toronto Community Roundtable with Doug Roche Science for Peace
Whose World Order? Conflicting Visions Science for Peace
Letter from the President of Science for Peace to Douglas Roche Mel Watkins
Letter to the Indian Scientists Against Nuclear Weapons (ISANW) Science for Peace
CPREA 1999 Conference in Lennoxville Larry Fisk
Landmine Detection & Removal Technology Research Competition Mary Foster
Academic Call For Nuclear Abolition Bev Delong
Call For Papers And Participation Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin September 1998
President’s Message Mel Watkins
From the Editor Bob Baxter
From the Membership Committee Shirley Farlinger
Report of the Meeting on Issues Derek Paul
Recent E-Mail Notices Science for Peace
A New Book from Metta Spencer Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin July 1997
Highlights from the 1997 Annual General Meeting (AGM) Science for Peace
The Evolution of World Order: Building a Foundation for Peace in the Third Millennium
Science for Peace Meeting on Issues Science for Peace
Franz Blumenfeld Peace Foundation Frank Cunningham
CANDU Sales to China Science for Peace
Peace Magazine: Science for Peace Section Science for Peace
In Memoriam: Reverend Dr. Ian MacLeod Science for Peace
In Memoriam: Kenneth McNaught Jean Smith
SfP Bulletin March 1997
President’s Message NATO, Canada, and Russia. Peter Nicholls
Land Mines Trudy Dorn
Toronto’s Healthy House Tour Science for Peace
Playing On Our Hopes And Fears: Technological Unemployment After the End of the Cold War Dominick Jenkins
Anatol Rapoport; Science For Peace Honourary President Science for Peace
Report From The DFAIT — NGO Peace Building Consultation Hanna Newcombe
The Lessons Of Yugoslavia Metta Spencer
Synergy In Early Warning Science for Peace
“Good Taxes” Publication Offer Shirley Farlinger
Actions And Issues Meeting Saturday 26 April, 1 — 6 pm Science for Peace
Working Groups Reports Science for Peace
Recent E-Mail Notices Science for Peace
Film Shows Co-Sponsored By Science For Peace Science for Peace
Peace Magazine : Science For Peace Section Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin December 1996
President’s Message — Comfort me with H-bombs Peter Nicholls
Working Group Reports Science for Peace
Peace Magazine: Science for Peace Section Science for Peace
Recent E-Mail Notices Science for Peace
Conference Report Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin August 1996
President’s Inaugural Message Peter Nicholls
Annual General Meeting Science for Peace
World Court Nuclear Judgement Day Science for Peace
Working Group Reports Science for Peace
Recent E-Mail Notices Science for Peace
STOP PRESS: Psychologists for Social Responsibility meeting in Toronto Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin January 1996
Vice-President’s Message Walter Dorn
From the Editor Bob Baxter
WILPF China Trip Science for Peace
The Mines Action Coalition Margaret Back
Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Fifty Years of Deceit and Self-deception Science for Peace
Genesis of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Project Peter Shepherd
Definition of a Radical Derek Paul
Nobel Peace Prize 1995 — Joseph Rotblat and the Pugwash Movement Robert Logan
Working Groups Of Science For Peace Science for Peace
Annual General Meeting, 1995 Peter Nicholls
SfP Bulletin August 1995
From the Editor Bob Baxter
Biotechnology Science for Peace
Landmines Science for Peace
Canada and Chemical Weapons: Science for Peace Testifies to the Biological and Chemical Defence Review Committee Ellen Larsen
George Gerbner Lecture: “Selling all the Stories: The culture of violence and what to do about it.” Ian Russell
Science for Peace Summer Internship Program David Messenger
Book Review: Malicorne Bob Baxter
To Be at Peace: Twenty-four Small Steps towards Lasting, Active Peace-on-Earth Hugh Dobson
SfP Bulletin April 1995
From the Editor Bob Baxter
The Future of Russia Science for Peace
Barbara Noske Lecture Science for Peace
Landmines: A Deadly Legacy Science for Peace
Book Review: Rape of Canola Bob Baxter
Conferences Science for Peace
Dundurn Press and Science for Peace announce _United Nations Reform: Looking Ahead After Fifty Years_ Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin December 1994
President’s and Editor’s Message Derek Paul
World Court Project Update Science for Peace
New Book from Science for Peace Science for Peace
Forthcoming Book Science for Peace
Noam Chomsky Lecture Bob Baxter
Minister’s Defence Review Consultations: a debriefing after the latest sortie Science for Peace
Statement to the Minister’s Defence Review Consultations John Valleau
SfP Bulletin September 1994
President’s Message Derek Paul
From the Editor Bob Baxter
In Memoriam: Linus Pauling 1901-1994 Bob Baxter
New Book Science for Peace
Noam Chomsky Lectures Science for Peace
Volunteers Needed Science for Peace
Executive Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin April 1994
President’s Report on 5 March Meeting Derek Paul
From the Editor Bob Baxter
New Publications Director Science for Peace
Working Group on Ozone and Climate Change (WGOCC) Peter Shepherd
World Security: the New Challenge Science for Peace
The World Court Project on the legality of use of nuclear weapons. Science for Peace
Letter to the Editor Thomas Davis
Toronto Chapter News Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin January 1994
Science for Peace: What kind of future? Derek Paul
From the Editor Bob Baxter
Meeting with Peace Magazine Derek Paul
Booksale Derek Paul
Fundraising Dinner Derek Paul
In Memoriam: James Gareth Endicott, 1898 – 1993 Science for Peace
Update on the World Court Project (WCP) Phyllis Creighton
WCP Letter Phyllis Creighton
Forthcoming Publication: Arms Control in the 1990s Science for Peace
U of T Withdraws from Telescope Project Science for Peace
Peace Studies at the European Peace University Janis Alton
In Appreciation Science for Peace
Working for a Nuclear Free World Phyllis Creighton
SfP Bulletin November 1993
President’s Message Derek Paul
From the Editor Bob Baxter
In Fond Memory: Wilson Head Science for Peace
Disarmament and Military News Science for Peace
Working Group on Ethical Considerations in Scholarship and Science Science for Peace
The US Military Budget for 1994 Derek Paul
Torture and Other Gender Issues Pet Cleto
Ethical Decision Making: Computer Demonstration on Nuclear Weapons Launching Science for Peace
Short Reviews Ed Simpson
SfP Bulletin Summer 1993
From the Editor Bob Baxter
President’s Message Derek Paul
Colouring, War, and Peace Bob Baxter
New Executive for Science for Peace 1993-94 Science for Peace
World Court Project Alert! Phyllis Creighton
Worth Noting Science for Peace
The SDI is Dead! Long Live the SDI! David Lorge Parnas
Chlorine and Good Manners Bob Baxter
Resources on former Yugoslavia Andrew Pakula
The Trade Union of Education, Science and Culture of Kosovo Howard Clark
How you can help the independent feminist/peace movement in former Yugoslavia: Science for Peace
A Nuclear-Weapon-Free World (NWFW): Desirable? Feasible? Hanna Newcombe
In Memoriam: Kenneth E. Boulding, 1910-1993 Science for Peace
Raymond Boyer, 1906-1993 Bob Baxter
The Toronto Resolution Science for Peace
Science for Peace Joins WEB Tim Boychuk
Letter from SFP President to US President Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin Spring 1993
From the Editor Bob Baxter
Amplification Bob Baxter
Prospects for a comprehensive test ban Science for Peace
Science And Ethics Science for Peace
New emphasis for SDIO Science for Peace
IFAC SWIIS ’92 Workshop Toronto (Bolton), Ontario September 21- 24, 1992 Science for Peace
NAFTA and the Militarization of Canada Irwin Guttman
In memoriam: Giff Gifford Gerhard Stroink
A suggestion for sharing information between north and south Thomas Davis
DELTA Science for Peace
International Day Of Action For The Innu And The Earth – April 3, 1993 Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin December 1992
Thanks to the Retiring Editor Ron Shirtliff
Welcome Bob Baxter as the new editor of the _Bulletin_ Bob Baxter
CWC Nears Ratification Walter Dorn
New Concerns Over Biological Weaponry Bob Baxter
Report on UNCED Thomas Davis
International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility Science for Peace
Update on the International Peace Bureau Phyllis Creighton
In Memoriam: Petra K. Kelly (1948-92) Science for Peace
Local Action for Global Change in the 90s Science for Peace
Peace: An Idea whose Time has Come Anatol Rapoport
Psychologists’ Petition Against Preparation tor War Science for Peace
New Books from Science for Peace/Samuel Stevens Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin November 1991
The Role of NATURE Alan Weatherley
From the Media: Notes and Matters Arising Science for Peace
Underground Nuclear Testing: The Old Arrogance Remains Peter Brogden
Democratizing the United Nations Ross Smyth
Radiation — ‘The Most Important Subject in the World’ various
Preparing for a Substainable Society Science for Peace
The Truth About the Serbo-Croatian Conflict Andrew Pakula
Defence Conversion for the 90’s: A New Security Policy for Canada Science for Peace
National Economic Conversion Network Formed Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin March 1991
Quotes and Notes Science for Peace
E-Mail and the Gulf War Science for Peace
NORAD Science for Peace
‘Teach-in’ at U of T Science for Peace
From the Media: Notes and Matters Arising Science for Peace
Metaphor and War George Lakoff
Letters on the Gulf War various
Ethics and Computer Ethics Anne Cole
Notices Science for Peace
Letter various
SfP Bulletin special, January 1991
SfP Bulletin August 1990
Quotes and Notes Science for Peace
The Historic Moment John McMurtry
From the Media — Notes and Matters Arising Science for Peace
Chernobyl Update Science for Peace
Cross-Cultural Correlates of War Floyd Rudmin
More on Sakharov Science for Peace
Letters to the editor various
Outline of Some Issues To Be Considered by the Working Group on Environmental Change and Security Thomas Homer-Dixon
Publications Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin March 1990
A Total Nuclear Test Ban is the Best Way to Strengthen the NPT William Epstein
Quotes and Notes Science for Peace
Science for Good or Ill Chandler Davis
From the Media — Notes and Matters Arising Science for Peace
Guns, Butter, and Empire Philip Ehrensaft
Technologies for Peace: Canada Proceeds Cautiously Walter Dorn
Low-Level Flying: Quebec/Labrador Robena Weatherley
Letters to the Editor: Science for Peace
A Pleasing Announcement followed by A Plea for Your Assistance Science for Peace
Report on the status of the project, Education and the Media Jean Smith
National ‘Peace from Science’ Award J.M. Neelin
Publications Journal Review Richard Erskine
Book Reviews Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin November 1989
Pugwash issues a statement Science for Peace
In Memoriam: George Ignatieff Derek Paul
Quotes and Notes Science for Peace
Citizens and Scientists or Scientists — Citizen-Scientists Ursula Franklin
From the Media — Notes and Matters Arising Science for Peace
Ethical Technology – Technological Ethics Science for Peace
Publications Science for Peace
Reports available Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin June 1989
In Memoriam: John and Lois Dove John Valleau
In Memoriam: John and Lois Dove George Ignatieff
Words from the President Tony Arrott
Quotes and Notes Science for Peace
From the Media: notes and matters arising Science for Peace
Chemical and Biological Weapons Workshop Science for Peace
Science and Peace: United Nations Resolution Science for Peace
An Oath for Scientists? Science for Peace
News for Science for Peace members Science for Peace
Business Matters Science for Peace
Publications Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin February 1989
George Ignatieff at 75 Science for Peace
The Non-Offensive Defense of Europe Mike Pearson
Nuclear Attack Submarines For Canada? Michael Wallace
Armenian relief and reconstruction Science for Peace
Workshop on the Control of Chemical and Biological Weapons Science for Peace
Science for Peace International Network Science for Peace
Blumenfeld Peace Fund Award Science for Peace
Second International Scientists’ Congress “Ways out of the Arms Race” Bob Russell
New Book Science for Peace
Publications available Science for Peace
SfP looks to the future various
SfP Bulletin November 1988
An achievement: The International Conference on Arctic Cooperation Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin October 1988
Third International Peace Week Of Scientists November 7-14 Science for Peace
International Conference On Arctic Cooperation Science for Peace
The Problem Of Military Funding Of Non Military Research George Spiegelman
Nuclear Weapons And Human Rights various
SfP Bulletin June 1988
New National Executive Science for Peace
Report from the Publications Director Derek Paul
1987-88 Annual General Meeting Science for Peace
News from The Markland Group Douglas Scott
Announcements Derek Paul
SfP Bulletin May 1988
New Policy on Military Research at Ryerson Science for Peace
Nuclear Proliferation and Nuclear Terrorism: Research by the Nuclear Control Institute
Announcements Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin April 1988
Letter from the President: The Powder Keg Of Europe: a New Perspective
Highlights of the Board Meeting of Tuesday, March 15, 1988 Lynn Trainor
The Polanyi Peace Fund Science for Peace
Peace-keeping Satellites: A Review of a Science for Peace Activity Walter Dorn
Hans Blumenfeld Science for Peace
Statement of the Group of 78 Science for Peace
Bookshelf Science for Peace
Announcements Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin March 1988
International Conference On Arctic Cooperation Science for Peace
CALL FOR NOMINATIONS for the next Board of Directors and Executive. Science for Peace
Professionals and Social Responsibility: Conflict or Congruence? Science for Peace
Report on the Special General Meeting Science for Peace
For Gwen John Dove
Book Reviews Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin February 1988
The Peace from Science Award Science for Peace
In Memoriam: Hans Blumenfeld Science for Peace
Notes Science for Peace
Veterans In Moscow Leonard Johnson
Bookshelf Science for Peace
Doing Science for Peace Science for Peace
Letters Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin January 1988
Focus: Research Paul LeBlond
Review: Perestroika Lee Lorch
Bookshelf Science for Peace
Newsworthy Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin December 1987
Notes Science for Peace
Index of member publications 1986-1987 Science for Peace
Bookshelf Science for Peace
Newsworthy Science for Peace
Doing Science for Peace Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin November 1987
Notes Science for Peace
Bookshelf Science for Peace
In Memoriam: James Morrison Ursula Franklin
Newsworthy Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin October 1987
On Three Continents Science for Peace
Letters Science for Peace
Newsworthy Science for Peace
Canadian Defence Science for Peace
Bookshelf Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin September 1987
Newsworthy Science for Peace
In Memoriam: C.B. Macpherson Christian Bay
Bookshelf Science for Peace
Letters Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin June 1987
Newsworthy Science for Peace
The Board 1987-1988 Science for Peace
Publications Science for Peace
Letters Science for Peace
Bookshelf Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin May 1987
Treasurer’s Report John Valleau
Bookshelf Science for Peace
Newsworthy Science for Peace
Letters Science for Peace
Chapters Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin April 1987
To the Members of Science for Peace: Science for Peace
Bookshelf Science for Peace
The Little Folk Murray Wilton
Review Jean-Guy Vaillancourt
Coming Events Science for Peace
The Tax Office Science for Peace
Letters Science for Peace
Newsworthy Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin March 1987
Astrophobe Chandler Davis
Letters Science for Peace
Bookshelf Science for Peace
ABM Facts Science for Peace
Focus: Research Science for Peace
Newsworthy Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin February 1987
Newsworthy Science for Peace
Letters Science for Peace
Bookshelf Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin January 1987
Notes Science for Peace
Yes, but … Science for Peace
Letters Science for Peace
Bookshelf Science for Peace
Focus: Canada Science for Peace
Newsworthy Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin November 1986
Announcing the CIIPS Award Science for Peace
Bookshelf Science for Peace
Newsworthy Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin October 1986
President’s Corner Science for Peace
International Day of Peace Science for Peace
Newsworthy Science for Peace
Letters Science for Peace
Notes Science for Peace
Bookshelf Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin September 1986
The City of Hiroshima Peace Declaration Science for Peace
Bookshelf Science for Peace
Letters Science for Peace
Notes Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin June 1986
AGM Highlights Science for Peace
Now, the CW ‘Deterrent’ Science for Peace
Chernobyl Derek Paul
Letters Science for Peace
Bookshelf Science for Peace
Newsworthy Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin May 1986
Science For Peace AGM Science for Peace
Treasurer’s Report Ray Kapral
Newsworthy Science for Peace
Notes Science for Peace
Letters Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin April 1986
Exploding the Bomb Science for Peace
Message To Mikhail Gorbachev, General Secretary Of The Communist Party Of The Soviet Union: Science for Peace
Newsworthy Science for Peace
Letters Science for Peace
Bookshelf Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin March 1986
Notes Science for Peace
Bookshelf Science for Peace
In memoriam: Alva Myrdal, 1902-1986 Science for Peace
Newsworthy Science for Peace
Letters Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin February 1986
Hydro and Tritium Science for Peace
Notes Science for Peace
Letters Science for Peace
Bookshelf Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin January 1986
Notes Science for Peace
The Summit — Seen from Europe Gaston Fischer
Newsworthy Science for Peace
Bookshelf Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin December 1985
Tritium & Hydro Science for Peace
Newsworthy Science for Peace
Freeze Facts Science for Peace
Bookshelf Science for Peace
Reviews Science for Peace
Letters Science for Peace
Chapters Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin May 1985
Calendar Science for Peace
Members in the News Science for Peace
For your Bookshelf Science for Peace
Notes Science for Peace
Nuclear Winter Tom Hutchinson
SfP Bulletin Winter 1985
Faculty of Medicine resolution Science for Peace
Greetings of the Season for Peace among Nations and the Betterment of the Human Condition
For your bookshelf Science for Peace
Quotes Science for Peace
Calendar Science for Peace
General calls NATO role into question Science for Peace
Notes Science for Peace
Scientific Research Science for Peace
Members in the news Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin Fall 1984
Editorial Ed Barbeau
Chapter News Science for Peace
Classified Scientific Research Science for Peace
Member Publications Science for Peace
‘One more letter’ Kathleen Stortroen
Members in the news Science for Peace
For your bookshelf Science for Peace
Quotes Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin Spring 1984
84.12 The Annual General Meeting On March 31, 1984 Science for Peace
84.23 B.C. Chapter Presents Brief To Joe Clark Science for Peace
84.24 Brief From Professor Ursula Franklin To Joe Clark Ursula Franklin
84.25 Activities At Dalhousie University Science for Peace
84.26 On Human Survival: Nuclear Winter Science for Peace
84.27 Study Group Being Formed On Consequences Of Nuclear War Science for Peace
84.28 Interuniversity Workshop On Peace Education In May Science for Peace
84.29 Book Review Derek Paul
84.33 Snippets From The Press (Summarized) Science for Peace
Network News and Events Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin Winter 1984
84.02 Science For Peace Business Science for Peace
Danger Of Accidental Nuclear War Science for Peace
84.05 A New Security And Arms Control Centre For Canada Derek Paul
84.06 Star Wars: ASAT and ABM (see enclosed article by John Polanyi)
84.07 Hi-Tech Militarism Science for Peace
84.08 Books Science for Peace
84.09 Nuclear Winter Science for Peace
84.10 More Science For Peace Business Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin Spring/Summer 1983
Science for Peace Science for Peace
Reports from Chapters Science for Peace
Publications Science for Peace
83.29. Letter From Hans Blumenfeld Hans Blumenfeld
83.31. Don Bates Speaks At The Annual General Meeting Science for Peace
83.33. Restrictions To Prevent Technology Transfer To Eastern Block Countries Science for Peace
Network News Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin Winter 1983
Science for Peace Science for Peace
83.5 S4P Executive Response To Nature Article By Vera Rich Science for Peace
Conferences and Events Science for Peace
83.16 The Reaganization Of Research John Valleau
SfP Bulletin Oct 7 1982
Science for Peace Science for Peace
Events Science for Peace
82.56. Dr. Dimitrios Oreopoulos Writes To The Membership Science for Peace
Network News Science for Peace
82.61. World Federation Of Scientific Workers Appeals To Scientists Science for Peace
82.62. National Academy Of Sciences Resolution Science for Peace
Publications Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin Jul 15 1982
Science for Peace Science for Peace
82.39. Second International Consultation On Environment And Health Science for Peace
Network News Science for Peace
82.43. Resolution On Nuclear War And Arms Control Science for Peace
82.44. Scientists, The Arms Race And Disarmament Science for Peace
82.48. Canadian Media Treatment Of The Peace Movement Science for Peace
82.50. ENMOD = Convention Prohibiting Military Use Of Environmental Modification Techniques Science for Peace
82.51. The Convocation On The Threat Of Nuclear War Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin May 7 1982
Science for Peace Science for Peace
82.16. Toronto Board Of Health Recommendations Science for Peace
82.17. Disarmament Referenda In Canada Science for Peace
Briefs Science for Peace
Network News Science for Peace
Publications Science for Peace
82.32. Action By Members Of Science For Peace Science for Peace
SfP Bulletin Feb 18 1982
Science for Peace Science for Peace
Network News Science for Peace
82.2. City Referendum On Global Nuclear Disarmament Science for Peace
82.10. Science For War? John Valleau
SfP Bulletin Dec 10 1981
SfP Bulletin Nov 1 1981
SfP Bulletin Oct 1 1981
SfP Bulletin Jul 27 1981
SfP Bulletin May 20 1981
Science for Peace Bulletin | ISSN 1925-170X (Print) | ISSN 1925-1718 (Online)