Canadian Peace Research and Education Association: Annual Conference
Wed & Thu, June 7 & 8, with AGM Fri Jun 9 Place: UQAM, Montreal (Learned Societies’ Conferencee) Program: Dr Raj Dhruvarajan, fax: 204-261-0090 or Dr Jos P Gavin, fax: 514-848-7799
Knowledge Tools for a Sustainable Civilization.
June 8, 9, & 10, 1995. PURPOSE: To find, create, and promote knowledge tools needed in achieving a sustainable society. To establish action priorities, and call for action. PROPOSED THEMES: Global and long term issues of a sustainable society Effective knowledge tools for the solution of complex problems Transideological and transdisciplinary knowledge The individual’s, the corporation’s, and the nation’s means to further a sustainable society Ethical issues related to environmental degradation and population growth The role of the humanities, the social sciences, the natural and engineering sciences, and of governance, industry and trade in a sustainable future The power of education, the media, and of information technology to effect a non-violent change to a sustainable civilization. PARTICIPANTS: Public office holders, business leaders, professionals, researchers, teachers, graduate students in any branch of knowledge. All those in an effective utilization of knowledge, and in global, interdisciplinary, and long term interest. SPONSORS: International Society for the Systems Sciences; Science for Peace, Canada; Ryerson Polytechnic University, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science Toronto, Ontario; Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Toronto Section; Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Society on Social Implications of Technology. HONORARY CONFERENCE CHAIR: Anatol Rapoport, one of the founders of the International Society for the Systems Sciences. LOCATION: Oakham House, Ryerson Polytechnic University, 63 Gould Street, Toronto, Ontario. SPECIAL: WORKSHOP for teachers and conference participants on: “The K-12 curriculum and the sustainable future.” Saturday, June 10, 1995. REGISTRATION: The early registration fee until April 30, 1995 is $170, for students $100, for members of the sponsoring institutions $140. Late registrations will be accepted, subject to room capacity, from May 1 until the conference with an extra fee of $20. The fee includes lunches, snacks, and a dinner. Registration applications, with a check payable to Ryerson Polytechnic University, should be sent to John Valleau, cio Science for Peace, University College, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont. M5S 1A1 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Contact J.P.Valleau, tel.(416)-978-3595,, or H.Bmichardt, Department of Physics, Ryerson Polytechnic University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5B 2K3. E-mail:, telephone: (416)979-5000, Ext. 7246. Fax:(416)979-5064
Supplementary Ways for Increasing International Stability (SWIIS) ’95
September 1995. LOCATION: Vienna, Austria. The call for papers, with abstracts requested for April, 1995, gives the following description of the scope of the Conference: “International stability refers to conditions in which nations, in an interdependent fashion, interact with one another in ways which permit gradual changes with time in a mutually acceptable scale and direction. This development under stable conditions is considered with respect to social, political, ecological, national and international, regional and global aspects. This workshop should extend the ideas of lFAC events on international stability in Laxenburg 1983, Cleveland 1986, Budapest 1989, and Toronto 1992. The goal should be the beneficial application of systems engineering methods but scientists from other fields as political science, economics, social science, and international studies are cordially invited to come and present papers and other ideas.” Contact:, fax: 43-1-504-18359
International Network of Engineers and Scientists (INES) for Global Responsibility Congress on “Scientists and Engineers for Sustainable Development” June 27-29, 1996.
LOCATION: Moscow State University, Moscow. Ethics Protection Initiative is a new INES project designed, “to offer help to persons acting in a responsible way, especially employees, who suffer or fear reprisals because of their ethically motivated selfless efforts”. Initiatives are planned at national and international levels. Contact: Dr. Ciinter Emde, Fax: 49-8624-4178 INESnet has been set up as an e-mail discussion group to explore the possibilities of electronic networking within INES, which has proved popular in the first three months of its existence. To join this group, send a request to: Science for Peace is a member of INES.
World Conference on Quality of Life
August 22-25, 1996 The University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, B.C., Canada will host a World Conference on Quality of Life, August 22-25, 1996. People will come from all parts of the world to collectively explore the meaning of the idea of a good quality of life, ways to measure our movement toward or away from it, ways to monitor changes, and strategies to improve the quality of life in all its rich varieties. There will be sessions on such things as resource conservation, environmental degradation, waste management, forestry management, urbanruralcommunity development, aging, elder abuse, crime and justice systems, family life, friendship, feminist studies, employment, trade and globalization, health, happiness, time use, good government, human rights, peace and security, taxation, fiscal and monetary policy, poverty, education, science and technological innovation, sports and other recreation activities. The organizers of this conference invite suggestions and volunteers to arrange for special topics, symposia and work shops, as well as contributed papers. Names of people interested in serving as a chair of a session, commentator on a paper or panelist are also welcome. People on e-mail are welcome to become actively involved with the international network serving as the planning committee. To facilitate planning, proposals should be submitted before February 1, 1996. All inquiries should be directed to Alex C. Michalos, Faculty of Management and Administration, University of Northern British Columbia, 3333 University Way, Prince George, B.C., Canada, V2N 4Z9; telephone 604 960 6697, fax 604 960 5544, email