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Writer's picture: Science for PeaceScience for Peace

BULLETIN Vol. 1, No. 2 – July 27, 1981 This Bulletin is intended to keep members and friends of Science for Peace apprised of events and developments. Once the autumn comes, we plan to bring out an issue on the first of each month. Please send notice of events, reports, brief reviews of articles and books, statements of opinion and other items of interest to the editor by the 25th of the month. The next deadline is September 1. PLEASE COPY AND DISTRIBUTE TO FRIENDS. We would like to thank Carol Robb and Doreen Morton of University College for typing this Bulletin. Editor: Ed Barbeau, University College, University of Toronto, Toronto M5S 1A1. Officers and Contacts within Science for Peace President: Eric Fawcett Physics 978-5217/485-0990 Secretary: Terry Gardner Mathematics 978-6928/485-3522 Treasurer: Derek Paul Physics 978-2971/923-5955 Bulletin Editor: Ed Barbeau Mathematics 978-8601/483-1975 Seminar Convenor : John Valleau Chemistry 978-3595/960-9800 John Hewitt Chemical Engineering 978-2976 Resource Person Roster: Tom Clark Administration 978-5588 Educational: Lynn Trainor Physics 978-5193

A page listing the objectives of Science for Peace and the members of the Board of Directors (suitable for distribution to potential members) can be had from the President, Secretary or Editor.

81.8. The Huntsville Workshop (June 12-14, 1981)

Hosted by Dr. Norman Alcock and family at their new quarters, Gryffin Lodge, Huntsville, this workshop was an unqualified success. After an agenda-setting session, sixteen peace topics, none previously adopted by Science for Peace, were discussed. Among them were: formation of a chemical warfare study group, getting the Waldheim formula adopted in Canada, preparation of a brief relevant to he UN special session on disarmament, taking a closer look at seismology for nuclear test ban verification, cruise missile conversion. Further action is planned on many of the sixteen topics. There was a full discussion of peace-keeping forces (Simoni) and it was noted that further research is planned along lines described. (EF)

81.9. Canadian Peace Research and Education Association (CPREA)

The closing day of the Huntsville workshop was attended by Dr. M.V. Naidu, a political scientist at Brandon University and the president of CPREA. It was agreed that CPREA and Science for Peace would offer each other’s mem-bers privileged terms; membership in the other organization is $5 per year, with an extra $15 for those subscribing to CPREA journals. In addition, Professor Naidu has been elected to the Board of Directors of Science’for Peace (24/6/81).

Interested members of Science for Peace should write directly to Professor M.V. Naidu, Department of Political Economy, Brandon University, Brandon, Manitoba R7A 6A9.

81.10. Chemical Warfare Workshop

Immediately following the Banff Pugwash Conference (August 26-September 2), a workshop on chemical warfare is being planned in Toronto. Dr. Lundon (Sweden) and Dr. Lohs (GDR) are being invited to halt in Toronto on their return from Banff to take part. The most probable dates are September 3 and 4. Contact Derek Paul at 978-2971 for more information.

81.11. United Nations Disarmament Week

During United Nations Disarmament Week at the end of October, Science for Peace is planning two half-day symposia:

  1. “War or peace in space”: Richard Garwin, IBM Laboratories, on Saturday, October 24;

  2. “Conversion of a military economy”: Seymour Neiman, Columbia University.

Other activities are planned during the week, but we are in great need of volunteers to help organize these events. Please call Derek Paul at 978-2971 or Eric Fawcett at 978-5217.

81.12. Education for Peace Seminar: September 16

Mark this date in your calendar; the seminar will be conducted by Reford-McCandless International Consultants. More details later.

81.13. Brief for the UN Special Session on Disarmament

Work is beginning on a brief for the UN preparatory committee for the Special Session on Disarmament (UNSSOD II) next year. It will likely focus on the difficult problem of arms control of concealable weapons and measures to forestall grave difficulties in this area. Further information: Derek Paul 978-2971.

81.14. The Waldheim Formula

In 1978, Kurt Waldheim (UN Secretary-General) suggested that nations set aside 0.1% of their military budget as a special fund for peace work. In Huntsville, it was noted that this would be $5.9 million in Canada for 1981- 82. The workshop discussed the novel possibility that such a fund be set up under a new agency, although it was agreed that an increase in the funds avail-able to the Division of Arms Control and Disarmament of the Department of External Affairs is also desirable. A major political effort is required to obtain parliamentary support for the adoption of the Waldheim Formula.

Already many Canadian peace groups have expressed support, and further progress will depend on close cooperation among them.

81.15. SSHRC Research Grants

In March, 1981, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council announced that the new theme, “The human context for science and technology”, was eligible for funding in the categories of research grants, seed money (up to $5000) and research workshops (up to $5000 with indication of university support). This new policy of SSHRC to encourage cooperation between physical and social scientists is especially important to Science for Peace in view of the liaison with CPREA (see 81.9). Members interested in developing research projects which have a social science component should consider funding from this source.

For further information write directly to:

Kayla Hoffman, SSHRC 255 Albert Street Ottawa, Ontario K1T 6G4.

The deadline for the first round of applications is October 1, 1981.

81.16. Peace-keeping Satellite

Enclosed with this newsletter is a brief and status report on the peace-keeping satellite project prepared in May, 1981 by Tom Clark and Lynn Trainor.

81.17. Report on the AAAS Conference, January 1981

In Volume 6, Number 1 (1981) of Calumet, the newsletter of the Christian Movement for Peace, Eric Fawcett reported on the AAAS meeting in Toronto last January, particularly on the public forum, “Science, religion and the arms race”, on Saturday, January 3. The following motion was adopted at the forum:

Whereas history has shown that any weapons system developed by any nation will result in the development of a substan-tially similar system by others, thus tending to erode even the limited stability of reciprocal deterrence and to diminish the security of all …

Therefore be it resolved that the AAAS recommends that all nuclear weapons states recognize the appalling risk that weapons of mass destruction impose on all peoples and nations, and work conscientiously toward reciprocal initiatives to reduce reliance on weapons of mass destruction.

A xerox copy of the article is available on request from the editor.

81.18. Books and Articles

  1. World armaments and disarmament: SIPRI Yearbook, 1981 (Taylor & Francis Ltd., 4 John St., London, England WC1N 2ET), t19.50. 0 85066 215X. This reference manual, giving an account of recent developments, is available in the library of the Canadian Institute for International Affairs library in University College.

  2. Children of Hiroshima (Taylor & Francis) 334 pp. t4.95. 0 85066 216 8.

  3. Canadian scientists work to slow down arms race by Wallace Immen. Globe & Mail, June 22,o1981. An interview with Eric Fawcett on Science for Peace.

  4. The tunnel vision that leads to war. Manchester Guardian Weekly, re-printed in the Globe & Mail, June 22, 1981.

  5. Can anyone stop the arms race? by David Lancashire. Globe & Mail, April 25, 1981.

81.19. For the record…

  1. April 22, 1981: University of Toronto—discussion of the Moscow Sym-posium on detente and European security (Derek Paul).

  2. May 13, 1981: McLaughlin College, York University—as above.

  3. May 6, 1981: University of Toronto—Prevention of nuclear war. Dr. Frank Sommers, President, Physicians for Social Responsibility.

  4. May 20, 1981: University of Toronto—Approaches to the study of the causes of war. Dr. Gary Kohler.

  5. June 17, 1981: University of Toronto—Canada’s programmes of satellite development for resources, surveillance and communications. Dr. B. Blevis, Director of Space Programmes, Department of Communications.

  6. July 2, 1981: University of Toronto—The Canadian Association of Physicists, Sakharov and other aspects of the survival problem. Dr. Lynn Trainor.

  7. August 6, 1981: Toronto City Hall—Hiroshima/Nagasaki Day Observance.

81.20. Special Note to Members of Board of Directors

There are no meetings in July or August. The next meeting of the board is on Wednesday, September 30 at 4 p.m. in the Lounge, McLennan Physics Building, University of Toronto. Agenda will appear in September. Regular meetings thereafter will be on the last Wednesday of each month.

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