Summary: In a spirit of sharing experiences and learning from one another, the Ministry of Concern for Public Health, together with several European organizations, will hold an International Consultation in Areuse, Switzerland, November 10-14, 1982. Professional papers from this conference will be published in the new journal: International Perspectives in Public Health.
Goal of this Project: The purposes of the 1982 International Consultation on the Environment and Health are as follows:
to begin to build consensus strategies among professionals for dealing with the growing destruction of the biosphere and its impact on human health;
to form support networks of professionals with different experiences and expertise so that complex environmental problems will be adequately addressed and resolved;
to plan for better dissemination of scientific and educational information on environment and health to concerned persons;
to provide peer support and constructive criticism-for those creative thinkers who are able to clarify present global environmental problems and propose viable alternative human solutions to those problems.
The Languages of the Conference will be German, French and English. The language of the Journal will be English.
Cost of the Conference: 140 Swiss francs (about US$80) includes room and board at the Grandchamp Monastery. Costs would be higher at a local hotel. Some space is available with families of friends.
Registration for the Conference and 50 Swiss francs (about US$28) deposit may be sent to:
Dr. Joerg Hoffman Thiersteinerrain 143 4059 Basel, Switzerland
or Audrey Mang Ministry of Concern for Public Justice 151 East Street Buffalo, NY 14207 U.S.A.
Further information: Rosalie Bertell, Ph.D., G.N.S.H., Jesuit Centre, 947 Queen Street East, Toronto, Ontario M4M 1J9.