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Nominations to the Board of Directors, 2018-2020

Writer's picture: Science for PeaceScience for Peace

[revised 25 Jun 2018]

Below is a list of those nominated to be Board members for a two-year term, 2018-2020. Those elected will join the following who were elected to two-year terms in 2017 (not all are continuing): I. Abuelaish, R. Acheson, L. Adamson, J. Alton, W. Browett, K. Brozowski, D. Burman, J. Car-Harriss, M. Chenouffi, C. Davis, T. Davis, W. Dorn, M. Duguay, J. Duncan, L. Kalafatides, A. Kemper, E. Kirzner, N. Das Kundu, M. Mandy, G. McBean, M. Muldoon, J. Nguyen, R. Seabrook, A. Zuberi.

Those attending by Skype or Zoom who give advance notice will be offered the opportunity to vote by telephone. The AGM will be followed by a meeting of the new Board which will include the election of officers and other members of the Executive Committee.

Science for Peace – Nominations for Board (2 year terms) – June 25, 20181. Glenys BabcockDr. Glenys A. Babcock is the President and CEO of the Pragmora Institute – an organization that focuses on developing and advocating pragmatic, non-violent solutions for international conflict resolution within the context of democracy and human rights. The Pragmora Institute employs a systematic objective approach to methodology for policy analysis.  As a Data Scientist and specialist in research and methodology, Glenys has served as a Consultant to the RAND Corporation, World Bank, governments of Canada, US and Russia, Fortune 500 companies, and dozens of not-for-profit organizations. She is a former Vice President of Ipsos Public Affairs, Director of the Titan Group for Public Policy Analysis, and Scholar in Residence at the Canadian Institute of International Affairs. Glenys became a peace activist in university in the early 1980s when the nuclear arms race was accelerating, and has been a life long activist for peace and social justice. Glenys holds a BA in Mathematics, a BA and MA in International Relations, and an MPhil and PhD in Public Policy Analysis.2. Eryl CourtBiography: See Judy DeutschI was previously president of SfP between 2008 and 2012. During that time SfP, at times in collaboration with other organizations and academic faculties, mounted a number of public talks, including: James Hansen together with Naomi Klein and Clayton Thomas-Muller (Indigenous Environmental Network); a panel on Iran; a day-long session on the climate including sessions on agriculture, environmental law, labour, Indigenous people.I am a psychoanalyst working with children and adults, and teach at the Toronto Psychoanalytic Institute. I am also a member of the Socialist Project and of Independent Jewish Voices and write many articles for the public on a range of issues connected with social justice. I’ve learned much about life from being a mother and grandmother.I believe that it is critical for SfP to take informed positions about the disastrous political and economic systems that now cause catastrophic wars and proliferation of nuclear and non-conventional weapons, accelerating climate change, and devastating global hardship particularly to impoverished and racialized peoples.4. Margrit EichlerMargrit Eichler is Professor Emerita of Sociology and Equity Studies (now called Social Justice Education) at OISE/UT. She is a sociologist specializing in feminist studies. She is a member of the Royal Society of Canada and the European Academy of Sciences. She has served as Secretary of Science for Peace since 2009.5. Jorge FilmusNAME: Jorge E. Filmus : ADDRESS: Platform of Biological SciencesSunnybrook Research Institute, 2075 Bayview Avenue, S220, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4N 3M5DEGREES1983 Ph.D. Biological Chemistry, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina1979 B.Sc. Clinical Biochemistry, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina1977 B.Sc. Biological Chemistry, University of Buenos Aires, ArgentinaRESEARCH AND TEACHING POSITIONS1991-present Research Scientist, Division of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Sunnybrook Research Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada2004-present Professor, Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada1998-2003 Associate Professor, Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada1991-1997 Assistant Professor, Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada1989-1991 Research Scientist, Connaught Laboratories’ Willowdale, Ontario, Canada1984‑1988 Postdoctoral Fellow, Ontario Cancer Institute, Toronto, Ontario, CanadaRESEARCH INTERESTSI am interested in studying the molecular basis of cancer, and of a number of genetic diseases caused by developmental abnormalities.To carry out this research my laboratory uses a combination of several approaches, including genetics, cell biology, molecular biology, and biochemistry.My laboratory has published 88 peer reviewed papers, and 7 book chapters.TEACHING ACTIVITIESIn addition to supervising the research activities of graduate and undergraduate students, I have taught many courses for graduate students, including Fundamentals in Cell Biology and Molecular Biology, Advanced Cell Biology, Tumor Biology, Cell Signaling, Fundamentals in Cancer Biology. I have also taught at the University of Buenos Aires, and the University of Caracas as a visiting Professor.My laboratory has also trained post-doctoral fellows from Canada, China, Japan, Spain, Argentina, Mexico, Russia, Italy, and India.FUNDINGOver the years my laboratory has been funded by the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR), the Nacional Cancer Institute of Canada (NCIC), the National Institute of Health (NIH, USA), and the Cancer Research Society (CRS).OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIESI am currently a member of a peer review panel of the CIHR (Molecular and Cellular Biology of Cancer). In the past I have reviewed grants for NIH, NCIC, CRS, and other international peer-review agencies.I am a member of the Editorial Board of the journal Matrix Biology.From 2009 to 2010 I was hired as a consultant by the Ministry of Science and Technology from Argentina.COMMUNITY ACTIVISMWhile I was studying at the University of Buenos Aires I was elected President of the Student Union. I was also a member of the Board of Directors of National Student Federation of Argentina.From 2009 to 2013 I was a member of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Hispanic Congress.6. Christy GombayChristy Gombay has worked with the Tula Foundation since 2003. Christy has a PhD from the University of Toronto where he studied Political Science and Public Administration. He began working in Guatemala in 1986 while doing research for his M.A. thesis. After more than thirty years he is still at it. He also works at McMaster University where he is the academic coordinator for a graduate program in global health.7. Lloyd HelfertyLloyd graduated from Yorkville University’s School of Technology in 1995 and worked as a Product Development Specialist and Technical Support Manager for a high-tech manufacturing company for more than 10 years before freelancing as an independent consultant focusing on the development of the Biochar Industry / Ecosystem (including Marketing, Education & Supply Chain development) in Canada and globally.Over the years Lloyd has worked, traveled and lived in countries around the world, from Asia to Europe to South America, and had lived overseas in Taiwan for more than two years, experiencing first-hand both the business and ethnic cultures of countries like Taiwan, China, Korea, Japan, Malaysia, India, Brazil the UK and the United States, among other countries in both the developed and developing world.From about 1998 he has supported activities in his community including running as the candidate for the Green Party in the 2004 and 2006 Federal Election and the 2007 Provincial Election in Thornhill.Lloyd is the founder and President of Biochar-Ontario, the former Steering Committee coordinator of the Canadian Biochar Initiative (CBI), and an Advisory Committee member of the International Biochar Initiative.In 2013 Lloyd co-founded a national consulting team called the Canadian Biochar Consortium (CBC) which aimed to prove the value of biochar in a Canadian context, followed by his active participation in the founding of the Climate Smart Ag Youth Network (CSAYN), which was based out of Cameroon (Africa). His involvement in the founding of CSAYN also led to the development of a local group called the Science for Peace Community Sustainability Working Group (CoSWoG) and eventually to the creation of the (independent) Climate Smart Food Consulting Group and a Climate Smart Food Working Group (sub-group) of CoSWoG.Lloyd also runs his own private consultancy business called Biochar Consulting, where he provides advice and consulting services for clients who wish to undertake projects for land rehabilitation and remediation, for those who wish to undertake field trials with biochar, or for those who wish to monetize the carbon ‘sequestered’ by their Biochar project or utilization, in addition to providing system integration, application, design and other services to clients from around the world. Lloyd’s philosophy as a technologist is to take the best ideas of engineers and scientists and apply them in the real world by working as part of engineering, project management, sales and/or marketing teams while undertaking various Project Management roles such as commissioning, sales support, pre-planning and other technical and logistical tasks that are necessary to make a project successful.Lloyd has completed two [2] Biomass Energy Foundation (BEF) ‘CHAB Camp’ workshops to learn the intricacies of Combined Heat and Biochar (CHAB) systems as well as Biomass Gasifier design and construction techniques, and had also supported the creation of a viable Biochar and Energy business in the Toronto area that aimed to help deal with the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) issue in and around the city, while simultaneously supporting the development of an industry association in multiple jurisdictions across Canada. He has also lent support to various international partners, including in the USA, Asia, Mexico and Europe (among others).Right now Lloyd is a founding manager of the CSF Consulting Group and Executive Director of the Resilient World Institute (RWI). He also serves as the Chief Ecosystem Director, Project Development Director & Sustainable Society Consultant at Energime University and is the System Leader and Sector Expert for their “Climate Smart Food” Platform, while also serving as the Manager of the global “Biochar Offsets Group” and as a Founding manager of the “Future Farming” group.Lloyd is an advocate for the smart and sustainable use of technology, energy conservation, renewable energy, sustainable land use, soil and nature conservation, good community design, and the re-naturalization of our towns and cities. He has been involved in supporting biochar projects in places like Mexico, Haiti, Africa, China, Taiwan, Japan and Nepal and is working toward the creation of a Biochar and Climate Smart Food educational centre in Toronto. All are examples of his many efforts and attempts at achieving some measure of sustainability both within his community and around the world.8. Robert MatthewsHe received his BA at the University of Toronto in 1960. From 1960-62 he lived in France where he served as an English language assistant in a French lycée in Paris and then took a diploma course in European Studies at the University of Strasbourg. From 1962 to 1964 he served as a CUSO volunteer teaching English and French at a high school in Ghana. In 1964 he returned to academic studies, resulting in an MIA (1966) and a PhD (1971) at Columbia University. He joined the Department of Political Economy at the University of Toronto in 1969 and continues to teach there even after his retirement in 2003. His teaching and research have focussed on the Third World, especially on Africa, in the context of international politics, and on Canadian foreign policy towards the Third World. Out of this emerged a number of publications. His doctorate examined inter-state conflicts in Africa and a summary of that was published as a Review Article in the 1970 Spring issue of International Organization. Later he edited a volume on Civil Wars in Africa and another on Durable Peace: Challenges for Peacebuilding in Africa. Both these volumes were done in collaboration with Dr. Taisier Ali. Most recently, in cooperation with Elisabeth King and Ian Spears, he co-edited a special issue of International Journal on “A New Agenda for Peace”. He also served as Editor of the Journal of International Affairs (Columbia University) and Co-editor, with Charles Pentland, of International Journal.9. Sorpong PeouDr. Sorpong Peou is Full Professor in the Department of Politics and Public Administration at Ryerson University and a member of the Yeates School of Graduate Studies. He joined the Department 01 July 2013 as Department Chair from 2013-2016, following a three-year term as Chair of the Political Science Department at the University of Winnipeg (2010 to 2013) and Manitoba Chair on Global Governance Studies. Prior to his administrative appointment in Winnipeg, he was Professor of International Security at Sophia University (Tokyo, Japan), Canada-ASEAN Fellow and Fellow at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (Singapore). He is also President of Science for Peace, based at the University of Toronto, and a Member of the Eminent Persons Group at the Asian Political and International Student Association. In addition to a PhD in International Relations and Comparative Politics from York University (Canada), Dr. Peou holds a Master of Arts (MA) in Political Science from York University (Canada), and a Bachelor of Arts – Honours (BA – Hon) in Political Science and Peace and Conflict Studies from the University of Waterloo (Canada).Dr Peou’s research and teaching interests are generally in the fields of Global Peace and Security Studies and Comparative Politics, with specialization in Global Governance, Security and Democracy Studies, and a focus on the Asia-Pacific region.He is the author and editor of books, some 30 book chapters and 30 journal articles. His books include Human Security Studies: Theories, Methods and Themes (World Scientific and Imperial College Press, 2014); Peace and Security in the Asia-Pacific (Praeger 2010), Human Security in East Asia: Challenges for Collaborative Action, ed. (Routledge 2008), International Democracy Assistance for Peacebuilding: Cambodia and Beyond (Palgrave Macmillan 2007), Intervention and Change in Cambodia: Toward Democracy (St. Martin’s Press, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies and Silkworms, 2001) & Conflict Neutralization in the Cambodia War: From Battlefield to Ballot-box (Oxford University Press, 1997).10. Venilla Rajaguru Venilla Rajaguru serves as the Chair of a pan-university research working group on Ocean Frontiers, since 2015, under Science for Peace (Canada). While completing her doctoral dissertation, she has also served as a Course Director several times since 2014, taking on syllabus design and teaching duties for the following courses at York University: ‘Science and Technology in Global Development’ (Dept. of Science & Technology Studies); ‘Natural Resource Management’ (Faculty of Environmental Studies); and ‘History of the Environment’ (Natural Science Division). Her educational background is in Science & Technology Studies, International Development-International Law, and English Studies. Her former degrees are from Cornell and the University of Oxford. She is the recipient of the following merit awards: Susan Mann Doctoral Dissertation Award (Canada) 2017-2018; Vivienne Poy Award for Doctoral Research on Asia (Canada) 2016; Ontario Graduate Scholarship for Doctoral Research 2014-2015; and the International Rhodes Scholarship 1992-94.Rajaguru’s professional career, since the early 1990s, spans lead positions in corporate and public communications, corporate social responsibility consulting, and community outreach for intergovernmental sectors. Early in her career, she edited the British Council’s journal series in the mid1990s titled, Literature Alive: New Writings from India and Britain, while heading the communications and publications unit of British Council India. Her own publications till date include articles on Southeast Asia, on ASEAN, and a book containing philosophical poems. She has also served as the Chair of ASEAN Secretariat’s Women’s Wing based at the ASEAN Secretariat from 2009-2011, focussing on community outreach projects through institutional partnerships with international organizations such as UNICEF and the Red Cross. Rajaguru is now back in the policy research/university sector to follow her research interests on maritime issues (nuclear-cyber-maritime domain nexus) that shape global security regimes and peace governance.11. Sergey SmolnikovSergey Smolnikov teaches in the fields of International Relations and Comparative Politics at York University in Toronto, and is a former Professor of International Relations at the Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Tokyo, Japan. He holds two Doctorate degrees from Moscow State Institute of International Relations – MGIMO University (a full member of the Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs (APSIA). His academic interests include International Relations Theory; International Relations; International Organizations; Global Politics; Global Conflict, Peace, and Security; International Political Economy; Foreign Policy; International Diplomacy, Major Powers in the International System; European Union Foreign and Security Policy, and Comparative Politics, and he has published extensively on these issues in academic journals and policy outlets in Canada and abroad.His new book Great Power Conduct and Credibility in World Politics (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018) seeks to answer one main question: what is the core concern of great powers that streamlines their behavior in the contemporary system of international relations? Building on the examples of the United States, China, Russia, France, and Britain, it tracks both consistency and fluctuations in global power dynamics and great power behavior. The book examines the genesis, causality, and policy implications of decision makers’ fixation with retaining a credible image of power in world politics, while exploring how the dynamics of power distribution in international systems modify perceptions of primacy. Drawing on findings from disciplines such as history, economics, social and political psychology, communication theory, philosophy, political science, strategic studies, and above all, from International Relations theory and practice, the volume proposes a novel theory of power credibility, which offers an original explanation of great powers’ behavior at the stage of their relative decline.



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