Science for Peace invites you to join us for a tour of a, first of its kind, environmentally responsible, house. At 3 pm, Sat. March 15. We will be guided through a 1,700 sq. ft. semi-detached, 3-bedroom, dwelling with 4 floors of living space on an infill lot in the Riverdale neighbourhood of Toronto. The house is not hooked up to water, sewage, hydro, or gas. Instead, rainwater is collected, filtered, purified, and stored for drinking and washing. It is then recycled for use in the tub, washing machine, shower and toilet. Water consumption is expected to be 120 litres per day for a family of 3, considerably better than the current average of 1,050 litres per day.
Rooftop solar panels generate electrical energy which can be stored for future use. Heating bills are expected to be less than $80 per year. For the best in indoor air quality, construction materials were selected on the basis of giving off few chemicals and vapours.
The future resident, and driving force behind the house, is Rolf Paloheimo, owner of Creative Communities. The unlikely sponsors of this project are Canada Mortgage & Housing Corp., City of Toronto Pub. Health Dept., Ont. Min. of Environment & Energy, Ont. Hydro, and Toronto Hydro.
We invite you to come and see it for yourself! Call SfP ASAP at 978-3606, to reserve your space on the tour. The house is located at 150 Sparkhall Ave., east of Broadview, south of Danforth.