President – Eric Fawcett (416) 978-5217 Secretary – Brydon Gombay (416) 978-6928 Treasurer – Derek Manchester (416) 978-2978 Education Director – Terry Gardner (416) 978-6926 Research Director – Derek Paul (416) 978-2971 Publicity Director – Metta Spencer (416) 828-5316 Liaison Director – Rose Sheinin (416) 978-2754 Bulletin Editor – Edward Barbeau (416) 978-8601
Room A102, University College University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1
Chairmen Of Chapters
British Columbia – George Spiegelman (604) 228-2036 Waterloo Region – John Hepburn (519) 885-1211 ×3785/3845 New Brunswick – Israel Unger (506) 453-4783
S4P thanks Doreen Morton for typing this Bulletin.
Notice: Articles, reports and book reviews are invited for a special section of this Bulletin. They will be subject to refereeing.
83.28. Treasurer’s Notes And Requests
We have engaged Clarkson Gordon, Chartered Accountants, to assist us in perfecting our registration as a charitable organization. This ought to be completed by the fall of this year, and we are requesting that it be back-dated. If and when registration is completed receipts for income tax purposes will be issued accordingly. Audited financial statements, now in preparation for the year ended March 31, 1983, will be published in the next bulletin. There has been no significant variation from the year ended March 31, 1983. Revenues and expenses increased from the area of $7,000.- $8,000. to $10,000.-$11,000. due mainly increase in the grant received from the federal government to assist in funding the seminar series.
In order to expand our education programme, get our research programme off the ground, and start a scholarship fund we are devoting considerable attention to methods of fund raising. A budget incorporation same is under review, and will also be included in the next issue of this bulletin. Beyond increasing our memberships and making application for specific education and research grants, we are considering the establishment of a related business and other fund raising events. A combined survey, request for suggestions and order form is included in this mailing. Please complete the areas of interest to you and return it, in order that our planning and activities may reflect your interests and needs.