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Reports from Chapters

Writer's picture: Science for PeaceScience for Peace

83.24. Report From The British Columbia Chapter

The B.C. Chapter of Science for Peace has been engaged in three areas of activities since the March Symposium on “The Prevention of Nuclear War” which was held jointly with Physicians for Social Responsibility. Much of our public efforts have been directed at informing interested parties about the cruise missile. An information booth was set up at the rally for the April 23rd Walk for Peace in Vancouver in which over 70,000 participated. The booth was used to distribute the cruise missile reports (now available in French too!) as

well as a two page summary of the report and other literature. We have provided fact sheets on the cruise missile for several groups including the B.C. Liberal Woman’s Caucus and End the Arms Race, and members of the Chapter have given public talks around Vancouver. The second focus of the group’s activities has been writing and submission of a proposal to the Ford Foundation entitled “A Study of the Feasibility of an International Arms Monitoring Agency”.

Finally the Chapter is continuing to work towards writing more reports along the line of the cruise missile report. There are study groups set up investigating the following topics: 1) computer simulation of nuclear attacks on Canada; 2) the Candu Reaction and its implications for erns control; 3) chemical and biological warfare current developments; 4) analysis of the current and previous strategies of deterrence; 5) aftermath effects of nuclear wars: in particular the effect on ozone; 6) current technology in antisubmarine warfare.

George Spiegelman (microbiologist), Chairman.

83.25. Report From The New Brunswick Chapter

The New Brunswich Chapter of Science for Peace was established in March 1983 and has grown to over 30 members. It is a truly province-wide chapter with memberships in the faculty of Mt. Allison University, Universite de Moncton, St. Thomas University and the University of New Brunswick. We enjoy a broad range of support from many Faculties including Science, Arts and Business Administration as well as the general public. One of our more prominent members is Dr. James Downey, the President of U.N.B.

We see our primary goal as the education of as many people as possible about the imminent chance of nuclear war and its consequences. To this end, we-have established a practice of disseminating relevant articles, newsletters and the like to all our members with instructions to read and pass on to a friend. Another accomplishment which we feel has been particularly effective is the endorsement and adoption by UNB’s Science Council & Faculty Senate of the Declaration on the Prevention of Nuclear War of the Pontifical Academy of Science. We are fortunate to have on our faculty Dr. Karel Wiesner, the only Canadian academic who is a member of the Academy. With his blessing and support and the effort of several chapter members, virtually 100% of the Science Faculty endorsed it and the U.N.B. Faculty Senate then adopted it unanimously. Dr. D. Brewer, Dean of Science and Dr. Downey have communicated our actions to their counterparts in other Canadian Universities and invited them to consider similar action.

David H. Coombs (biologist), Secretary.

83.26. Report From The Waterloo Chapter

The Waterloo Chapter of Science for Peace was established in January 1983. Our membership is fairly small at present (about 30 paid members with 70-100 more delinquents) as we have not yet had any sort of recruitment campaign on campus. We plan to be more vigorous in the coming fall term when it comes to collecting membership fees.

Science for Peace is not the only disarmament group on campus. Project Plowshares, a national organization as well, is based on the University of Waterloo campus, where, the Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies (IPACS) is also located.

In the community, Science for Peace is a member of the Waterloo Region Peace Network, a coalition of about 15 local groups working together towards disarmament. The Peace Network is growing rapidly, and currently has about 1000 members. Science for Peace participates in the activities of the Peace Network by providing information on disarmament issues and helping with educational activities in the community.

As well as getting organized, Science for Peace has initiated several educational activities. The important task of educating politicians has begun by meeting with all the local MP’s (8 in all) on an informal basis, and offering them assistance and information on disarmament issues. These meetings have been low-key and cordial, and in some cases quite productive.

We ran a weekly series of meetings on campus during the spring term, with lectures and films in equal mix. Planning is underway to organize a similar series for the coming academic year. John Hepburn and Ernie Regehr are coordinating the educational activities on campus for Project Plowshares, IPACS and S4P, which will result in campus events being sponsored by all three groups.

A speakers bureau is being organized, and the Peace Network will arrange public lectures using this list. We are planning a (more or less) regular newsletter, to begin in the fall term when the graduate student who has agreed to edit the newsletter returns to campus.

On the research side, we plan to draw up a questionnaire to find out what the local MP’s feel about various disarmament issues. This study is to determine where there is a need for more information, and to assist MP’s in defining what their positions are on these issues. The Waterloo Chapter is taking great care not to offend the sensibilities of Revenue Canada, and is simply playing the role of information gathering in this research. Recognizing that we have a mandate for research and education, we shall leave political action to other groups.

As well, we are currently investigating university policies on Investment and defense related research. We hope to get the university to take a stand against secret research, a position it currently does not take.

Finally, although the local chapter has tremendous support amongst the science faculty members in chemistry and chemical engineering, as well as good support in other departments like political science, environmental studies, history etc., we recognize the need for expanding our support into such departments as computer science, electrical engineering and earth sciences where we presently have only a few members. We plan to work hard on this in the coming year, and hope to greatly expand our base of support.

John Hepburn (chemist), Chairman.

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