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Study war no more

The Canadian Intelligence Service Is checking the country’s Peace Movement. Are Soviet agents lurking there In clandestine deployment?

We hesitate any intrusion Into spy-catcher machinations. We revel in all the intrigues In later publications.

War movements are not to be scrutinized. That would violate all sense of fair play. Guns and bombs do not kill: it’s people Who somehow get in their way.

— Murray Wilton Oct. 23, 1987

“Peace Week”

Nov. 9-15 is the Second International Peace Week of Scientists. The purpose of the week is for scientists throughout the world to engage in a broad and intensive public dialogue on issues of peace. The project is coordinated by the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation of Santa Barbara, Calif. Science for Peace coordinator for Canada is Eric Fawcett, Toronto.

The Polanyi Chair

NSERC president Arthur May announced Oct. 26 that John Polanyi himself would be the first John C. Polanyi Professor at the University of Toronto. The chair is the first ever funded by the Council. Co-funder was the Jackman Foundation whose grant will be used exclusively for Polanyi while he is at the University.

SfP, Pugwash Canada and University College of the University of Toronto have launched the Polanyi Peace Fund, contributions to which will be lodged with the Royal Society of Canada and used to fund scientists who want to accommodate applications to peaceful uses of science in their work.


David Suzuki speaks on “The Nuclear Age, 1987 — ?” at the Second Nobel Peace Prize Gala Dinner for CPPNW Nov. 5 in Toronto. Proceeds from the dinner will support third world and student delegates to the IPPNW Congress in Montreal June 2-6, 1988. Congress President is Paul Cappon, Montreal. He will preside over this eighth world congress whose theme is Healing our Planet: a Global Prescription.

US and Arms Control

“It will be during the 100th Congress that much of the roadmap of weapons developments and/or reductions will be charted for the next decade. If no major arms control treaty or treaties are concluded during this Congress, the informed pool of experience and the negotiating relationships built over the last few years will be mainly lost. The next president will start from scratch, build his own team, orient his priorities, and all this takes considerable time. The opportunity for concluding important treaties will probably not be available again until the early 1990’s.”

— U.S. Senate Majority Leader, Robert Byrd, Council for a Livable World

— and Space

“The Pentagon usurps civilian space programs,” claims. Congressman George E. Brown, Jr,, (Calif.)of the House of Representatives Science, Space and Technology Committee and Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence in the November issue of Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.

“The Administration will have spent more than twice as much on SDI during 1987 as it has this year on NASA’s entire space science and applications program. It will have spent 1009 more on the development of directed-energy weapons than it has on space-exploration missions…they convey a resounding message about US priorities for the future of space.”

A “CWC” feasible

In October I attended a two-day conference on Implementing a Global Chemical Weapons Conference sponsored by the Canadian Centre for Arms Control and Disarmament. Six experts there had just returned from a trip to the largest chemical weapons production facility in the Soviet Union. Although many areas of the draft convention still need to be worked out, I was left with the impression that a CWC, with strict international monitoring, is technically feasible and politically possible.

— A. Walter Dorn

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