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Writer's picture: Science for PeaceScience for Peace

Dianne DeMille has been named editor of the new quarterly publication of CIIPS, the very handsome jour­nal Peace & Security, whose Vol.1, No.1 appeared in spring, 1986. Design and production is by the Spencer Francey Group, Ottawa/Toronto.Invited articles in the first issue examined Canada’s role in NORAD (David Cox), the outlook for Guatemala (Tim Draimin) and pros­pects for East-West summitry (Paul Marantz).

Write Canadian Institute for International Peace and Security, 307 Gilmour St., Ottawa K2P OPT. No charge.

Luis Sobrino (BC Chapter) has made a videotape on “Star Wars” for PSR, which he will copy and mail on request if you cannot acquire it through a PSR Chapter near you. Write Prof. Sobrino c/o Dept. of Physics, UBC, 6224 Agri­culture Rd., Vancouver, B.C. V6T 2A6.

From either Prof. Sobrino or from the SfP national office you can get copies of the following papers:

  1. The Cruise Missile: A Canadian Perspective,

  2. The U.S. Strategic Defense Initiative: Should Canada Participate?

  3. CFMETR: Ethical and Moral Considerations.

(The tapes from the People’s En­quiry into the CFMETR held at Nanoose Bay, B.C., should be ready this month. To order a copy, write to CIPA, Box 82 Gabriola, B.C. VOR 1X0. $10.)

Sahabat Alan Malaysia

Penang, Malaysia

Greetings and best wishes from us here at Sahabat Alan Malaysia! We write with reference to request for infor­mation materials to help us in our research, documentation, studies, library, etc. We at SAM would like to introduce you to our organization and its work…Its main objectives are the collection and dissemination of infor­mation pertaining to development and environment issues and investigating, reporting and making representations on environmental issues in the region.

– Sahabat Alan Malaysia 37 Lorong Birch 10251 Penang

CIIPS nominees

In response to an invitation from Secretary of State for External Affairs Joe Clark to nominate candi­dates for appointment to the board of directors of CIIPS, the SfP board offered in nomination:

Reappointment of incumbents Dr. Margaret Fulton, Dr. William Epstein (SfP members), Ms. Joanna Miller and Mr. Gwynne Dyer; and Prof. Ursula Franklin and Dr. Don Bates (SfP members).

Jan Van Stolk, MD., Edmonton, has taken up the presidency of PSR/Canada from Vancouverite Dorothy Goresky, MD, this month. SfP board member, Mary Heiberg, MD, Toronto, continues on the board. Good luck to PSR, and we hope the closer working relationship between Science for Peace and PSR forged in the past year will continue to grow.

Connie Gardner calls our attention to the publication of Worldwatch Institute’s STATE OF THE WORLD annual report by Les Brown. Before the year is out, STATE OF THE World will be printed in nine languages, find its way into 122 nations, total sales of 150,000 (3 versions in China), serve as a textbook in 170 American colleges and universities.

Brown contends that the meaning of “national security” has changed in the past few years and the superpowers were so busy building weapons they did not notice. “Global geopolitics,” he writes, “is being reshaped in a way that defines security more in economic than in traditional military terms.”

Available at your local bookstore for $12.95 Cdn, or try your local library. (At Britnell’s in Toronto.)

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