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Writer's picture: Science for PeaceScience for Peace

The new Science for Peace brochure which you received last month doesn’t include a most exciting publication edited by a member — the GASBAG is the bi-monthly publication of the Friends of the University of Michigan Gilbert and Sullivan Society. Editor and president of the Society is member David Goldberg. For information, write (also SfP member) Jean Barnard, 1810 Charlton St. Ann Arbor, MI 48103, USA.

SCIENCE FOR PEACE SPECIAL REPORT #1 is now available from the Bulletin: “Satellite and Airborne Surveillance — a Workshop Report” by Walter Dorn, chairman of the SfP Working Group on International Surveillance and Verification. Contributors to the report were Larry Morley, George Lindsey, David Cox, Ron Cleminson,Jim McIntosh,Ralph Chapman, Douglas Scott Dieter Heinrich, Phillip Lapp, George Bell, John MacDonald, Harold Siegel, F.J.F. Osborne, Leroy Pearce, Cameron Cumming and Ron Buckingham.

Describing an early experience seeking support for ISMA from both US and Soviet officials, John Polanyi commented that the subject had an “immediate unifying effect: both countries were opposed to ISMA.”

Earlier reports also available.

Derek Paul, “Canadian Defence Policy: Is there a Possibility of Dialogue?”

Janet Wood (SfP Board member and associate R & E Director) has made available an outline for a University of Guelph course on “Current Risks of Radiation Exposure”. The course will be open to the public, its purpose to provide interested citizens with a basis from which to assess current risks to the biological world due to radiation exposure. For further information, write Prof. Wood, Dept. of Biochemistry,University of Guelph, Guelph, Ont. NIG 2W1

A reprint from The New York Times March 21:

Matthew L. Wald, “U.S. Will Cut Power at: Bomb Fuel Reactors Amid Concerns about Safety”

From the New York Times Service, Nov. 12:

“New Sky Spies Hinder Hiding”, from the Globe and Mail of the same date.

The Czechoslovak Embassy: “Conclusions of the Warsaw Treaty Foreign Ministers’ Committee Meeting, Prague, Oct. 26 and 27, 1987”

For $5 US, BREAKTHROUGH, a publication of Global Educatinn Associates, Spring/Summer 1987. Title of the issue (Vol. 8, No. 3-4)is Educating for a Global Future. Writes co-editor Patricia Mische, “As I look out at the educational landscape today the view is not generally encouraging. Children (and adults) are educated only in their roles as members of a particular national, ethnic, socio-economic or religious group. Few (educators) are asking deeper questions about human learning and the future.”

Which is what Global Education Associates is concerned with. If you wish, you can spend $15 and join the GEA network, thus receiving publications, program announcements, and resources mailing for a year.

Address: Global Education Associates Suite 570, 475 Riverside Drive, New York, N.Y. 10115 USA.

  1. Franklyn Griffiths, Tithe to Seek , Arctic Deal with U.S. The Globe and Mail, Nov. 10

  2. Adam Mayers, Can Oil and Heritage . Mix? The Toronto Star, Nov. 15

  3. Olivia Ward, Plutonium Flights Carry Deadly Cargo. The Toronto Star

  4. John Honderich,Arctic Imperative: Is Canada Losing the North? 1987, U of T Press, Toronto

  5. David Parnas, “Star Wars: Lessons for Canada”. Feature, The Whig Standard Magazine, Oct. 3

Sanity, Science and Global Responsibility

Concerned members of departments from a wide variety of disciplines at Brock University have formed a committee to plan and organize an international conference titled “Sanity, Science and Global Responsibility” July 9-13, 1988.

The good work being done by Science for Peace has been widely recognized as contributing toward the resolution of many of the problems we list. We believe that no meaningful dialogue on many of these problems could take place without your participation. We welcome workshop and paper proposals.

Robert Malone Dept. of Philosophy Brock University

Beyond War

I was interested in your reference to Gorbachev’s call for an international “brain trust” of the intellectual elite to help solve the woes of the world. It tied in with a suggestion I am making to the leadership of Beyond War. The idea is the establishment of a “Manhattan Project” for International Cooperation — a widely interdisciplinary enterprise for defining and promoting joint programs to address world problems of common interest to the super powers.

You may have heard of Beyond War’s joint US-SU book-publishing project: Gromyko and Hellman, editors, Breakthrough: Emerging New Thinking. The book will be published in Russian in the Soviet Union and in English by Walker Publishing Company, NY, 1988.

Beyond War interview is enclosed.

Will Karush, Los Angeles, CA

From On Beyond War: “In 1983 I made a return visit to the University of Chicago, where I had worked on the first nuclear reactor. I noticed major reconstruction going on and was told that low-level radiation implanted in 1943 was being removed. It was a shock- a revelation, really-to learn that I had worked in a place which was still radioactive 40 years later.”

From an interview with Will Karush, available from the Bulletin.

Waterloo Chapter

An international student information service(ISIS) was started earlier this year by Doug Thompson,at the time head typesetter for IMPRINT, University of Waterloo’s student newspaper. Object of ISIS is to establish automated computer communication between student newspapers around the world. In February Isis was made an offer for use of a data-line between the USSR Embassy in Ottawa and Moscow. The Press Office of the Soviet Embassy is in the process of establishing a new facility suitable to the needs of the student exchange. They have proposed creation of a direct link between Novosti in Moscow and ISIS in Waterloo. Recently Marshal Whithead (UN International Development) has indicated interest in relating the project to one he has underway with the Soviet Academy of Sciences.

The project will move ahead as a Waterloo Chapter project of Science for Peace, supported by the national board and assisted by R & E Directors Cynthia Folzer and Herbert Jenkins.

Contact Rob Dickinson, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Waterloo N2L 3G1, or Doug. Thompson, 280 Philip St, Unit B-3-511, Waterloo, Ont. N2L 3X1.

From A Memorandum To Dr. D. Wright, President, University Of Waterloo:

“The politically directed development of new military technologies in several parts of the world raises for us grave questions regarding the unhampered and responsible development of science and research in universities.

“In addressing these questions,we begin from the fact that the university in Canada is a publicly funded institution. It is, at the same time, an institution which embodies certain ideals and values such as free enquiry, objectivity and social responsibility. It has in turn an enormous influence,not only on its members at any given time,but also on the society which supports it.”

— The Executive Committee Science for Peace Waterloo Chapter

For information about the Chapter position re university policy on weapons research, write secretary David Roulston, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont. N2L 3G1

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