Problem Solving Psychotherapy: A Training Manual of an Integrative Model
By Dr. Mark Leith
About the Book
Problem-Solving Psychotherapy…
Integrates a number of existing psychotherapeutic and psychological models into a unique problem-solving format.
Provides the therapist with pattern recognition and analytical skills through its clear, practical formulation method.
Guides the therapist in the moment-to-moment technical aspects of the psychotherapy session through the use of its problem-solving components.
Teaches the patient problem-solving skills including insight, emotional resolution, decision-making and conflict resolution.
Incorporates symptomatic treatment, including psychopharmacological, into the psychotherapeutic context.
Manual includes …
Numerous illustrative case examples for each problem-solving component.
Extended case example of a course of treatment.
Annotated transcript of a psychotherapy session.
Social history questionnaire.
Worksheets for assessment, preparing and contracting for therapy, treatment planning and session process notes.
Extensive bibliography.
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