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Security and disarmament

Sydney, Australia

I recently came across your dis­cussion paper ‘Security and Disarms­ment’ of February, 1982. I was very interested to read of your support for an international satellite surveillance system.

Enclosed is a copy of a recent book in which I also endorse that proposal.”

– Keith Suter

Keith Suter, Peaceworking: The United Nations and Disarmament. The United Nations Ass’n of Australia, 147A King Street, Sydney NSW 2000, 1985.

Unemployed rates?

Hull, Quebec

Members of the Executive:

Enclosed is my membership renewal and cheque for $5.

Since there are growing numbers of us who happen to be unemployed, I would like to suggest that either you have another category of member­ship for unemployed at $5, or that you combine student, retired, unem­ployed into a single category. It seems to me important that the fact of unemployment is recognized more seriously in the academic and peace fields, especially as a major cause of the problem is unproductive mili­tary expenditures.

– David Leadbeater

Cause of the Month

At this time I want to thank you for the help to our Cause of the Month Club. For years, after dis­cussing problems facing us at the time, we have decided what organizations should be supported. At the last get-together I presented excerpts from the President’s Corner in the Bulletin and read your letter to the group. The enclosed check is our small contribution to Science for Peace. Our very best to you.

Sara Goldberg

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