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From the Editor

Again I should like to remind our readers of our arrangement with Peace Magazine. Science for Peace pays for eight pages in every issue, and we have representatives on the editorial board. In the July-August 1994 issue our section contains two articles on the question of how individuals who have committed crimes in support of oppressive regimes should be dealt with after these regimes have been overthrown, an article on the situation in Burundi, which has received less publicity than has the situation in neighbouring^.^ Rwanda but is scarcely less disturbing, and a discussion of the possibility of establishing an international criminal court The other articles should also be of interest to everyone concerned with the cause of peace. If you would like to submit an article for consideration for publication in this section, please send it to Peace Magazine, 736 Bathurst St, Toronto M5S 2R4, to the attention of the editors, Science for Peace section.

We urge members to subscribe to this important periodical. Annual subscription rates (six issues) are $17.50 (Canada), $20 (USA) and $25 (elsewhere).

We need volunteers to assist in the editing of our pages; see the requests for volunteers below.

I should also like to remind you of the working groups mentioned in the President’s report in the April issue of the Bulletin. If you think you could help in any way, with the activities of these working groups, please let us know.

In the November 1993 issue of this Bulletin (Vol. 13, No.3) we published an announcement of a computer simulation of nuclear missile launch procedures, developed by Dr. Craig Summers of Laurentian University. We subsequently received a letter from Jan Hansen of the International Peace Bureau expressing concern about this; he apparently feared that this simulation served to legitimate the idea of nuclear war. Since other readers may also have questioned the propriety of publishing this item, I should explain, as Dr. Summers and I have already done to Jan Hansen, that he had no such intention when he developed this program. On the contrary, it is intended to serve as a teaching tool in courses on the nature of conflict, and so to advance the cause of peace.

During the time that I have been editor of this Bulletin I have had the great good fortune to have had the help of Susan Krajnc, which has gone far beyond purely technical assistance. Her advice, suggestions, and occasional gentle criticism have aided me more than I can say. She has in effect been a co-editor. Susan has now left her position in the Science for Peace office to take up other challenges. I wish her every success, and shall certainly miss her.

We hope you all had a good summer, and we wish you an abundant harvest.

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