Readers will notice two changes in this issue of the Bulletin. The most obvious is that we have changed our format yet again. We are now having it produced on a laser printer, and I am sure you will agree that the appearance is much improved. We are grateful to Joe Vise for making this possible. The other is that we are now mailing the Bulletin of the Toronto Chapter along with our own. This effects a considerable saving of time, trouble, and expense for the Toronto Chapter, and I think members outside Toronto will also find things of interest to them in it.
Once again I would like to urge you to use the pages of the Bulletin for any items you would like to make known to your fellow members. These could include announcements of future meetings and reports on past ones; appeals for support in campaigns of one kind or another; comments on things you have read in the Bulletin, or on matters of topical concern; or anything else. I have found that book publishers are often willing to provide review copies of books dealing with subjects within our area of interest, so if you know of a book that you think Science for Peace members ought to hear about, let me know and I shall try to get a copy. Of course, if you have written a book yourself we would be happy to review that.
I would also like to remind you that your dues are extremely important to us. If a mark in the space below indicates that your payment is overdue, please let us have it as soon as you possibly can.
Have a happy summer.