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Chapter News

UBC in Vancouver, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Canadian Teachers k Federation, BC Teachers’ Federation and Science for Peace were organizers and hosts to the major Canadian Conference on Nuclear War The Search for Solutions Oct. 19 to 21. The Hon. Douglas Roche, newly appointed Canadian Ambassador for Disarmament, addressed the group at dinner Saturday night. Attendance averaged 750 at most sessions — spill-over attendance in a second auditorium followed the conference on closed-circuit television. Proceedings will eventually be available — be in touch with Chapter secretary Vera Webb, Microbiology Dept., UBC, Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1W5.

The New Brunswick Chapter, reports treasurer G.P. Semeluk, sponsored a major public meeting with the most reverend Bishop T.J. Gumbleton in late September. Bishop Gumbleton is one of the United States Catholic Bishops who participated in the drafting of the important Pastoral Letter on the ‘Challenge of Peace”.

There is really a chapter now in Montreal, officially recognized by the board members and executive of SIP October 25. Secretary and contact is Prof. Philip Ehrensaft, Dept. de sociologie, Univ. du Québec à Montréal, C.P. 8888, Succ. A, Montreal, Que. H3C 3P8.

A Conference on European Security and the MBFR Talks is being planned by SIP and York University’s Programme in Strategic Studies for May 6, 7, 1985. The conference is planned for University College at the U of T. A Monograph will result. Contact Derek Paul, Physics Dept., U of T, or Rod Byers, York Univ., Downsview, Ont.

At The University Of Toronto — Nuclear War: Approaches to Prevention

An historical analysis of war will be followed by an examination of East-West relations and how they affect the possibility of nuclear war. Finally, three approaches to preventing war will be considered: through education, through a grass-roots peace movement, and through the mainstream political process. Lecturers will be drawn both from the university community and from the community.

9 meetings 7:30-9:30pm Wed, Feb 6-Apr 3, $95

J. Noel, Coordinator

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