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Science for Peace members are re­sponsible for these publications you can subscribe to, thereby keeping up with the thinking of Canadian leaders in the common search for peace. Write directly to the addresses below for subscription rates, etc:

  1. Peace Magazine, edited by Metta Spencer, Box 490, Adelaide Street Station, Toronto M5C 2J6.

  2. Canadian Spectrum, Robert M. Laxer, chairperson, R R #1, Beeton, Ontario LOG 1AO.

  3. Thoughts, Dr. Donald Bates, editor, History of Medicine,McGill University, Montreal, Que. H3A 2T5.

  4. Input/Output, which may become the “official” newsletter of the emerging Canadian Computer Scientists and Engi­neers for Social Responsibility, ori­ginated by Al Rycroft, Box 248,Station B, Ottawa, Ont. KIP 6L4.

  5. CPREA Newsletter for those who are not members of the Canadian Peace Re­search and Education Ass’n, edited by and available from Donald Bryant, 560 Bayshore Blvd., R.R. #1, Huntsville, Ont. POA 1KO

  6. Peace Research Reviews, now world-famous, still edited by the founders, Hanna and Alan Newcombe, Peace Research Institute – Dundas, 25 Dundana Ave., Dundas, Ont. L9H 4E5.

And for viewpoints from members outside Canada:

COPPED Peace Chronicle, edited by Clinton Fink and Jane Mohraz. Members of COPRED receive the newsletter. Write COPRED, U. of Illinois, 911 W.High St. Rm. 100, Urbana, Ii. 61801 USA.

It is always a temptation for your BULLETIN editors to quote from these most topical and well written magazines and newsletters. But quota­tion misses the flavour — as well as the information — of what is not quoted.

Please report those we’ve missed.

S. Kounosu, “Reflections on Star Wars.” Original manuscript, available from the national office.

William Epstein, “New Hope for a Comprehensive Test Ban”, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, February, 1986. (Reprints available from the national office.)

Gwen McGrenere, “Why Are We Stalled?” A paper presented at the Conference on European Security Requirements and the MBFR Talks, May, 1985. Available in manuscript from the national office.

Soviet News & Views, a monthly newsletter from the USSR Embassy Press Office and press releases and quotes from the Soviet Press are available from Apt. 1108, 400 Stewart Street, Ottawa, Ont. KIN 6L2.

Two books from the Committee of Soviet Scientists for Peace, Against Nuclear Threat are available in Canada: Space-Strike Arms and Inter­national Security, an abridged report of the committee in October, 1985, and the night after … Climatic and Biological Consequences of a Nuclear War, edited and with an introduction by Yevgeni Velikhov, chairman of the committee and vice-president of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The books may be ordered from Peoples Coop. Bookstore Ass’n, 1391 Commercial Dr., Vancouver V5L 3X5 or Progress Books, 3rd Floor, 71 Bathurst St., Toronto M5V 2P6. Also available from the Embassy.

John Buttrick, “An Economist Looks at World Military Spending.” Text of a seminar paper delivered in the Toronto Chapter series January 15 at the Uni­versity of Toronto.

William Epstein, “Canada Seems to Have Gone Soft on a Test Ban”,from the Globe & Mail, Feb. 5, 1986.

On videotape: Bishop Thomas J. Gumbleton, speaking on the U.S. Catho­lic Bishops’ Pastoral on Peace in a Public Television Interview, Oct. 1985 in Fredericton, New Brunswick. Avail­able from the New Brunswick Chapter.

Anatol Rapoport, General System Theory, Essential Concepts and Appli­cations, Abacus Press, Tunbridge Wells, Kent (UK) and Cambridge, Mass. (US) 1986. Vol, 10 in the Cybernetics and Systems Series, Dr. J. Rose, Editor.

This book represents an effort to formulate the tasks of general system theory from different perspectives, ranging from that of a mathematician, who sees formal mathematical analogies between widely different contents as the most promising basis of integra­tion, to that of a philosopher, who seeks to extend the concept of a “living system” beyond the most con­spicuous examples — individual living beings.

Here are two articles we have been asked to recommend to you. Copies were sent to us which we can reprint for you:

Stan Augarten, “Can Computers Be Fail-Safe?”, PC Magazine, January 14 1986.

Gore Vidal, “Requiem for the American Empire”, The Nation, January 11, 1986.

Anatol Rapoport, “Conflict Escala­tion and Conflict Dynamics,” a paper for publication as a chapter in a forthcoming book, The Quest for Peace, to be published by the International Social Science Council. The book will be trans-disciplinary, trans-national, with an international editing committee of Christian Schmidt (Paris), Dieter Senghaas (Bremen) and Raimo Vayrynen (Helsinki).

Copies of the original manuscript are available from the SfP national office.

Jerry F. Hough, Stanley R. Sloan, Paul C. Warnke and David Linebaugh, Arms Control and the Strategic Defense Initiative: Three Perspectives, Occa­sional Paper 36, The Stanley Founda­tion, Muscatine, Iowa 52761, USA, October, 1985.

All Stanley Foundation papers are free of charge.

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