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Writer's picture: Science for PeaceScience for Peace

Jean-Guy Lavoie, Consequences ecologiques et humaines de la guerre, (plaidoyer pour la prevention d’un holocauste nucleaire); La militarisation du nord Quebecois; and Une alliance contre la guerre. The three papers are available from Dr. Lavoie, FOSEM, C.P.9210, Ste-Foy, P.Q. G1V 4B1 or from the Bulletin.

Andrea Demchuk, The Risk of Accidental Nuclear War, Proceedings of the conference of the same title, Vancouver, May, 1986. Published by CIIPS as Report No. 3. Available free from CIIPS, 307 Gilmour St., Ottawa, K2P PP7.

Carol Cohn, ‘Sex and Death in the Rational World of Defense Intellectuals.’ To be published this year in Thinking About Women, Militarism, And The Arms Race, Eds: Jean Bethke Elshtain and Sheila Tobias, by Rowman and Allenheld, Totowa, NJ. SfP member Cohn is at the Center for Psychological Studies in the Nuclear Age, an affiliate of the Harvard Medical School.

William Klassen, Science and Religion: Partners for Peace, a 1986 University College (Toronto) Lecture in Peace Studies.

Chandler Davis, Sociobiology’s Claim to Explain Humanity. This article has appeared in the Annales-Economies, Societes, Civilisations, 1981, No.4, 531-571:“La sociobiologie et son explication de l’humanite”. Both versions are available from the Bulletin.

Phyllis Creighton, Brief to the Interfaith Hearings on Nuclear Issues — original manuscript plus the Executive Summary, Highlights of the Presentation and Pertinent Comments. The Brief is concerned with the ethical considerations of the nuclear arms race.

What Peace Means To Me is a collection of essays by recipients of the Order of Canada and the winning submissions to the national essay and poster competitions which were features of the International Year of Peace in Canada. Published by and available from the Department of External Affairs,Lester B. Pearson Bldg.,125 Sussex Dr., Ottawa KlA 0G2.

Penney Kome & Patrick Crean, Eds: Peace — A Dream Unfolding, published to celebrate the international year of peace, 1986. A Somerville House Book, Ltd., 24 Dinnick Crescent, Toronto M4N 1L5. Available at most local bookstores in Canada.

Canadian Foreign Policy Series Addresses given by Douglas Roche, Ambassador for Disarmament, in the USSR: Moscow, Dec. 9, Kiev, Dec. 11, and Leningrad, Dec. 13, 1986. Available from the Dept. of External Affairs.

From National Defence Hdqtrs, Ottawa KlA 0K2, A Review of Department of National Defence/Canadian Forces Activities in 1986.

“The hyper-selling of ‘Star Wars’ has gone to the point of covering up scientific failure in a way that endangers the honesty of research,” writes Flora Lewis in a Nov. 1986 column in the NY TIMES. “The wilful distortion of research is a scandal reminiscent of Stalin’s support for Trofim Lysenko’s phony theories of genetics because they were politically pleasing. The result set Soviet biology back a generation.”

This excellent article, which should not be missed, is available from the Bulletin. — Brydon Gombay

Floyd Rudmin, Anti-War Psychologists: August Forel, a short biography.

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