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Writer's pictureScience for Peace


Conference de Science et Paix:

“Les sousmarins nucleaires canadiens: implications pour la proliferation et la strategie militaire canadienne” par Marie-France Desjardins et Daniel Haywood, Centre canadien pour le controle des armements et le desarmement, mardi le 10 mai a 20:00 heures, a l’universite de Montreal, Salle Z305, batiment principal.

Sanity, Science and Global Responsibility

An international interdisciplinary conference at Brock University, July 9-13, 1988 in cooperation with the Global Futures Group at San Diego State University. Further information from: Robert Malone, Program Coordinator, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada L2S 3A1.

Learned Societies Conference — Call for Papers

A workshop on “Power Elites as War Mongers” will be included in the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Annual Meeting at the Learned Societies Conference, University of Windsor, June 1988. This workshop calls for papers that research the role of the military-industrial complex in Canada. Please contact: Rose Csicsai, 24 Clyde Street, Hamilton, Ont. L8L 5R4.

Founding Meeting! South Central Ontario Regional Affiliation of Science for Peace (SCORASP?)

The proposal is to create an organization of Science for Peace members **and chapters in south central Ontario. The purpose would be to share information and to facilitate cooperation in research and educational projects for peace. The region is meant to include those of the Brock, Guelph, Toronto and Waterloo Chapters and the area roundabout. Probably such an affiliation would want to set up periodic meetings to keep in touch. (This seems especially important since, if the National Executive is moved to Vancouver, it seems likely that there will be less frequent Board meetings in Toronto. These meetings helped in the past to maintain at least some contact between the Chapters of the region.) At any rate, the meeting announced here is for the purpose of considering the most effective form for such an affiliation. All members of Science for Peace in the region are invited, and urged, to attend.

Janet Wood and colleagues have very kindly arranged this founding meeting. In addition to discussing SCORASP, the meeting will hear reports from two speakers about their recent activities.

SCORASP Founding Meeting

Host: Eric Fawcett

Speakers: Alex Michalos, Walter Dorn

24 May 1988, 7:00-10:00 p.m.

University Faculty Club, University Of Guelph

For information contact: Eric Fawcett 416-978-5217; Janet Wood 519-824-4120, Ext. 3866; John Valleau 416-978-3595

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