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All notices

We invite notice of events, reports, brief reviews and letters. 2ond mate,-ial to the editor: Ed Barbeau, University College, University of Twonta, Toronto M5S 1A1 (phone: 978-8601).

Our thanks go to Doreen Morton of University College for typing this Bulletin. Previous issues listing officers and contacts within Science for Peace ran he obtained from the Editor, The President is Eric Fawcett (978-5217) and the Secretary is Terry Gardner, University College (978-6926).

81.21. Science for Peace observes Disarmament Week (Oct. 24-26)

The week following United Nations Day (Oct. 23) is designated as “Dis-armament Week” with the theme “Speak out for Survival”. Science for Peace has planned three major public activities to mark the occasion. All take place at the University of Toronto.Saturday, October 24. 3 p.m. Convocation HallSymposium: War or Peace in Space?Dr. Richard Garwin, Thomas J. Watson Research Center (IBM), Yorktmm,Heights, N.Y.University Professor John Polanyi, University of Toronto..Sunday, October 25. 2 p.m. Medical Sciences AuditoriumSymposium: Conversion of a Military EconomyDick Greenwood, Special assistant to President Winpissinger, International Association of MachinistsDave Patterson, Director, District 6 (Ontario), United Steel Workers of AmericaErnie Regehr, Project PloughsharesLen Desroches, Cruise Missile Conversion Project(The Medical Sciences auditorium is on the south-east corner of the front campus and is readily accessible from the Queen’s Park subway station,)Monday, October 26. 8 p.m. West Hall, University College,Public Forum: Chemical Warfare – An irremovable threat?Dr. Julian Perry Robinson, Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex, U.K.Dr. Karlheinz Lobs, Academy of Sciences of the G.D.R., Leipzig

Further information: Derek Paul (978-2971) or Eric Fawcett (978-5217)

h2, 81.22. TV Ontario Series “World War III: What hope facing Armageddon?”

On TV Ontario (Channel 19), Thursdays October 1, 8, 15, 22 at 8:30 p.m., will be broadcast World War III: What Hope Facing Armageddon?,. the opening segment of a new series “Quartets: a public affairs show”. Co-hosts Stephen Lewis and Charlotte Cobeil, in the first three 30-minute broadcasts, will explore the topic and interview guest experts. The final 90-minute programme will involve a studio audience which will have a chance to interact with a panel. You can be part of this. Further information: Ruth Batey. Tickets for October 22 show; Kathleen Vaughan (416) 684-2635.

81.23. SCITEC Annual General Meeting and Conference (Nov. 8-10)

Education For Survival and Prosperity is the theme of the Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Association of the Scientific, Engineering & Technological Community of Canada (Scitec) to be held on November 8, 9, 10, 1981 at the Ontario Science Centre, Toronto. On Sunday, November 8, a public event will have three sessions: Introducing the world, Chronic shortage of skilled manpower, Science & social values. Further information: Dr. Ken Burkhardt, Ryerson Energy Centre, Ryerson Polytechatcal Institute, 50 Gould St., Toronto M58 1E8 (416) 595-5071.

81.24. Remembrance Day Events at U. of T.

Nuclear disarmament will be the focus of films, a panel discussion and displays sponsored by the Student Christian Novement and other groups and individuals (including some SFP members) for November 11. Frank Sommers (Payicians for Social Responsibility) has agreed to cake part in an event which will probably be located in Sidney Smith Hall. Further details can be had from the S.C.M. office (phone: 979-9629).

81.25. Ocher events

  1. Friday, October 16. 8 p.m. Convocation Hall. Address by Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, pacifist and human rights activist.

  2. Saturday, October 24. 8 p.m. City Hall. U.N. Association multicultural programme, Check with Carl Stieren at 412-2463.

  3. Tuesday, October 27. 7:30 p.m. Centre. for Global Peace and Ploughshares panel. Alcock, W. Epstein): “Canada as 4 nuclear-free zone” Information: 766-7563.

  4. Wednesday, October 28. 7:30 p.m. Ploughshares sponsors Gordon Zahn “The arms race and the gospel”. Information; 766-7583.

  5. Thursday, October 29. 5:30 p.m. potluck supper; 8 p.m. films and panel. Friends House, 60 Lowther Ave., Toronto. Women for Survival and Voice of Women sponsor “Women, war and nuclear nightmare”.

  6. Friday, October 10. St, Lawrence Market. Benefit dance for Cruise Missile Conversion Project.

81.26. SFP and Toronto Board of Education Saturday- Morning Programme

For many years, the Toronto Board of Education ha: been operating special Saturday morning classes for gifted public school children at Castle Frank School. Bob Logan (Physics, U. of T.) has organized a short course on peace, beginning October 3 and running for eight weeks. Members of SFP will deal with the scientific side of various peace issues such as the peace satellite as well as biological, chemical and unclear weapons. The fees received for this series will be turned over to Science for Peace. Bob would like to hear from those who can offer ideas for topics or who will volunteer to fill slots in the teaching schedule. Phone: Bob Logan, 973-8632.

81.27. Will you be a catalyst?

The Croft Chapter House in University College on Wednesday, September was where a group of SfPers heard an inspiring seminar on Introducing the World, an educational programme for school students developed by the Reford-McCaadiess International Consultants and sponsored by OISE. Stephanie McCandless Reford, assisted by Robert Reford and Alison Lee, described how they involve teachers and students in the planning and execution of conferences on world issues. Their programme is designed to be free of bias, to be entirely voluntary and to supplement the existing curriculum, but at the sane time to encourage students to feel that their views are significant and to develop student 1eadership. So far, they have mainly worked with history and geography teachers, but would like to have more contact with science teachers (that’s where you come in!).

The next conference for teachers, students, and resource persons is on November 13, and volunteers are needed to interact with students. You, the reader, have a unique contribution to make. The address of Reford-McCandless is 12 Metcalfe St., Toronto M4X 1116, and you can phone 967-5830.

81.28. Urgently needcd: a devoted person with secretarial skills

As Science for Peace grows, its various officers find themselves increasingly encumbered by the clerical work involved in organizing events, informing members and keeping contact with other groups. Some of the load is carried by certain U. of T. support staff, particularly Vera Melnyk in the Physics Department. Is there a volunteer willing to take on the important (but often inconspicuous) task of keeping our files straight and our organization on an even keel? Contact Eric Fawcett at 978-5217.

81.29. Books and articles

Physics and Society is the newsletter of the Forum on Physics and Society distributed free to members of the Forum and physics libraries on request. Editor: John Dowling, Physics Department, Mansfield State College, Mansfield PA 16933. (717) 662-4275.

Publications available through the Institute for World Order, 777 United-Nations Plaza, New York 10017:

  1. Peace and world order studies: a curriculum guide 3rd ed. 386 pp. $8 U.S.;

  2. Studies on a just world order 3 volumes; course readers available 1981-82;

  3. Preferred worlds far the 1990’s:

  4. World order working paper series;

  5. R. Johansen, The national interest and the human interest: an analysis of U.S. foreign policy;

  6. R. Falk & S. Kim. ed. The war system: an interdisciplinary reader;

  7. R.L. Sivard, World military and social expenditures 1980;

  8. Alternatives: a journal of world policy.

We are filled with hope: an issue of Fellowship (April-May, 1981) on war and peace. Alan Geyer, The politics of peacemaking. John M. Swomley, The holy war mentality. Ann M. Davidon, The plowshares eight: confronting the system.

Averting nuclear holocaust: three articles in the Canadian Forum (August, 1981) by Mark Abley, Ernie Pegehr, Simon Rosenblum.

Problems in mushroom cloud cuckooland. A series on nuclear -armaments puitcy by Stan McDowell appearing in the Globe h Mail each Monthly beginning August 17, 1931 and still continuing.

Service puts media in touch with ‘right’ scientist. A Science Page article in the Globe & Mail of August 24, 1981 by Wallace Immen which describes the work of the Media Resources Service of the Scientists’ Institute for Public Informations, New York. The service maintains a list of specialists who are able and willing to speak with journalists about technical matters.

No nukes. A Varsity (September 14, 1981) account of an address given by John Hewitt of SFP at the Friends House on September 9 on the neutron bomb and the consequences of nuclear detonation.

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