The Prevention of Nuclear War edited by T.L. Perry Jr., M.D., published by PSR (B.C. Chapter) 1983.
This book is based on the Symposium held in Vancouver in March 1983 and features contributions by: Judith Lipton, R.W. Menninger, T.L. Perry, Richard Falk; special lectures by: Linus Pauling, Eugene Carroll, Daniel Ellsberg and of special interest to members of Science for Peace: the Cruise Missile Report by the B.C. Chapter, Michael Pentz (President of SANA — the U.K. equivalent of Science for Peace) with a lecture followed by a fascinating discussion, and Symposia on parliamentary activities.
PURCHASE: retail price $7.00 including postage from PSR/BC, 2158 W. 12th Avenue, Vancouver or in Toronto for $6.00 from the Science for Peace office in University College (LIC 45) or at the Wednesday Seminars. (EF)