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Biographies of nominees to the Science for Peace board, 2017-2019

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Biography for Izzeldin Abuelaish

Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish was born and raised in Jabalia Refugee Camp in Gaza. He is the first Palestinian doctor to receive an appointment at an Israeli hospital. He has experienced firsthand the impacts of conflict in Palestine, Egypt, Israel, Uganda, Yemen, Afghanistan, and Saudi Arabia. He considers doctors well-suited to serve as peace-makers. As a practitioner and peace advocate, he mobilizes health as a tool for peace.

Dr. Abuelaish has overcome many personal hardships, including poverty, violence, and the horrific tragedy of his three daughters’ and niece’s deaths in the 2009 Gaza War. Having been nominated five times for Nobel Peace Prize, he has spoken at the Canadian House of Commons, the American Congress, the Chilean Parliament, the European Parliament in Brussels, the State Department, Forum 2000 in Prague, and many more.

His autobiography, I Shall Not Hate: A Gaza Doctor’s Journey on the Road to Peace and Human Dignity, was published in 2010 and is currently available in 23 different languages. It was inspired by the loss of his three daughters Bessan, Mayar, and Aya and their cousin Noor to Israeli shelling on January 16th, 2009.

He has founded Daughters for Life, a Canadian charity for womens empowerment, in memory of his daughters. Daughters for Life enables young women to pursue higher education.

Dr. Abuelaish lives with his five children in Toronto where he is an associate professor at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health. He remains committed to humanitarian activism in addition to his roles as a charity leader and educator.

Biography for Rob Acheson

Rob Acheson is the Operations Manager at Shipmaster Containers in Markham, Ontario, where he has worked for 45 years. He was co-chair of the Toronto Chapter of the Canadian Department of Peace Initiative for several years and currently chairs the Nuclear Weapons Working Group of Science for Peace.

Biography for Lyn Adamson

A long time peace and environmental activist, Lyn is currently Co-Chair of Canadian Voice of Women for Peace. Lyn is a mediator and trainer in conflict resolution and dedicated to building a more peaceful future. Lyn works on climate action at federal, provincial, and municipal levels. Lyn worked with Peace Brigades International and Nonviolent Peaceforce (1999—2007), offering peacebuilding training in Indonesia, Kenya, and Europe as NP’s training co-ordinator (2006-2007). Lyn initiated a training program in peacebuilding called ‘PeaceWorks’ through the Toronto Quaker meeting. Lyn is a parent and grandparent, and has served on many volunteer boards.

Biography for Janis Alton

Janis Alton’s first training was in public health nursing. Now with a MA in political science and international relations, she is immersed in the peace movement, nationally and internationally.

Janis is focused on the delegitimization of war, demilitarization, and the inclusion of women directly in all the decision-making processes of peacebuilding, from conflict prevention to reconstruction. She has conducted more than 30 study/consultation/lobbying tours for women to United Nations sites, initiated and coordinated many national women and peace conferences, and international workshops.

Currently, Janis is Co-Chair of Canadian Voice of Women for Peace; a twice elected Council member of the International Peace Bureau based in Geneva; Board member of Science for Peace and member of the Group of 78, a foreign policy think tank.

A highlight in 2015 was the peace trip to North and South Korea as part of a ground-breaking 30-member international, feminist peace activist team.

Biography for William Browett

With thanks to my nominators.

Having been on the Board or Executive since 2011, I can help both the Science for Peace Board and Executive by continuing to bring institutional knowledge and administrative expertise to the Board and Executive. Specifically, I have offered to continue on as Treasurer, if the members and Board of Directors, agree. However, having filled the role of Treasurer, remotely from London, for the last 2 years, I feel strongly that Science for Peace benefit from having a local Treasurer who can directly assist the Executive and Coordinator in administering the Science for Peace finances. If someone is willing to take on this Executive position, I will assist in the transition of duties.

By way of background in activist organizations, I have spent years combining social and political activism with evidence based scientific decision making to educate the public on issues of public policy. This activism has included becoming a member of Science for Peace in the late 1980’s. My current interests focus especially on the equality, peace, and justice issues of Climate Change and Climate Change mitigation. I have been extensively involved in peace, disarmament, and social groups since the 1970’s, including providing technical advice on nuclear weapons and nuclear power to London Safe Energy Coalition and Ploughshares London (London, Ontario). My experience in social and political organizations extends to governance of several food cooperatives, e.g., in the early 1990’s as Treasurer, then President of the Ontario Natural Food Cooperative (OFNC). I have also filled several executive roles on NDP Riding Associations in Mississauga and London. This activism has also been combined with professional scientific interests in the pharmaceutical industry, biological chemistry, chemometrics, and laboratory automation.

Biography for Kari Brozowski

I am an Associate Professor at Wilfrid Laurier University in Health Studies. My research and teaching focus on social justice issues which are aligned with the mandate for Science for Peace. More recently, I have had the privilege of working on a team youth mural art research project that focuses on peace and allyship between Six Nations and the city of Brantford. As a member of the Science for Peace board since 2006, and an Executive member in 2013/14, I have participated in changes that Science for Peace has undertaken and anticipate there will be further changes that will allow the organization to thrive. If elected, I look forward to continuing to serve on the Science for Peace Board.

Biography for David Burman

David grew up in Torontos west end and attended the University of Toronto completing his dental degree in 1968, during which time he spent a summer in Iqaluit, Nunavut, learning about the dental needs of the Inuit people. After graduation he interned at Mt. Sinai Hospital, after which the next four years were spent providing dental treatment in various remote, largely Aboriginal, Northern Ontario communities. Then an abrupt change to London, UK, where he did a 6 month stint learning general anesthesia and a year in Geneva, where he was a clinical instructor and researcher in the dental school there. Returning to Canada, he further developed his interest in doctor-patient relationships, which eventually led him back to graduate school from whence he obtained his PhD in community health from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto. Completed in 1989, his research focused on an exploration of how dentists self-acceptance related to their ability to accept negative feelings in patients.

David has long been active in the peace and environmental movements, was a candidate for the Green Party in four elections, and helped start Toronto’s first local currency system (LETS). He is an active member of Ecologos and Transition Toronto and has served on the boards of directors of ICA Canada, a community development organization and the Ontario Healthy Communities Coalition as well as Science for Peace.

Since 2009 David has been a trained facilitator of the Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream symposium and Generation Waking Up though the Pachamama Alliance. This program is a complement to his teaching at U of T — Indigenous Issues in Health and Healing bringing Indigenous holistic world views to the industrial world. He is an amateur potter and is married with 2 cats.


Biography for Jill Carr-Harris

Jill began her peace work in 1982 for nuclear disarmament. Appreciated by some UN friends for her enthusiasm for world peace, she was hired by the United Nations Development Program in 1993 to start a Tree Planting project for International Youth Year (1985), which she carried out over the next five years. As part of this work, Jill had the opportunity to travel to India in 1986. She was enthusiastic about the work of civil society in India, that after completing the Tree Project, Jill returned to India, giving up future opportunities with the UN to start her own NGO.

Jill set up South-South Solidarity, an organization that exchanged development expertise across southern countries to reduce the dependencies on northern aid agencies. Thereafter, Jill tried to bring this learning to the various international assignments that she took up. In between her paid assignments and volunteering for the womens wing of grassroots organization, Ekta Parishad, Jill worked on a doctoral degree related to Gandhi, nonviolence and education.

Jill was part of Ekta Parishad’s big marches in 2007, 2012 and 2014. When the organization was successful in advocating for a land reform agenda, Jill felt the need to take the lessons of Indian social movements and Gandhi’s nonviolence to other countries. Between 2013-2016 she traveled to more than 11 countries and trained on Gandhian nonviolence.

In 2016 Jill joined the International Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence and Peace as a Director, and in this capacity she organized numerous programs related to local and global peace.

Biography for Miloud Chennoufi

Miloud Chennoufi teaches international relations and Middle-Eastern politics at the Canadian Forces College (Toronto). He is a visiting fellow at the School of Public and International Affairs at Glendon College (York University), and a senior researcher at the Lab for Global Justice at the Munk School of Global Affairs. He is the author of Great Powers and Islamism (in French).

Miloud Chennoufi holds a Ph.D in political science from the University of Montreal, a Masters is management science from the cole des Hautes Commerciales (Montréal), and B.A. in economics from the University of Algiers.

Before moving to Canada 20 years ago, he served as a journalist in his native Algeria. Miloud Chennoufi is fluent in English, French and Arabic.

Biography for Chandler Davis

Chandler Davis is a mathematician and retired Professor at the University of Toronto. He is a long-time member of Science for Peace, and has participated in several of its activities, in particular serving several terms on the Board. He is currently coordinating the Working Group on Freedom for Research.

Biography for Thomas Davis

Thomas Davis is a former licensed nuclear power plant operator, who now does consulting in education and nuclear power plant operation. He completed a B.Sc in computer science and physics, and an M.Ed in Education and Digital Technology.

A long-time member of SfP, over the years he has served as Vice-President, Board Member, Bulletin Editor, UN Representative (alternate) (including attending the UN Conference on Environment and Development), and SfP representative to Mines Action Canada, where he also served on the board for six years.

Thomas is currently interested in drones, artificial intelligence, nuclear weapons, and the nature of violence.

Biography for Walter Dorn

Walter Dorn is Professor of Defence Studies at the Royal Military College of Canada and the Canadian Forces College (CFC). He teaches officers from the rank of major to brigadier-general from Canada and about 20 other countries. He specializes in arms control, peace operations, just war theory, international criminal law, international verification and enforcement, and the United Nations. As an “operational professor” he participates in field missions and assists international organizations. For instance, he was a UN Electoral Officer for the 1999 referendum in East Timor and a Visiting Professional with the International Criminal Court (ICC) in 2010. He also served as a consultant with the UN’s Department of Peacekeeping Operations, including on the Expert Panel on Technology and Innovation in UN Peacekeeping. In 2017, Dr. Dorn took up an appointment with the United Nations as “Innovation and Protection Technology Expert” to help select technologies for testing, piloting and employing in UN peace operations. His two most recent books are Air Power in UN Operations: Wings for Peace (Ashgate, 2014) and Keeping Watch: Monitoring, Technology, and Innovation in UN Peace Operations (UNU Press, 2011). He has served as the UN Representative of Science for Peace since 1983.

Biography for Michel Duguay

Michel A. Duguay studied physics at the Université de Montréal where he was granted a Bachelor of Science degree in 1961. He was then accepted in the doctoral program in physics at Yale University and he chose nuclear physics as his area of research. Having obtained the Ph.D. in physics from Yale in 1966, Duguay joined the AT&T Bell Telephone Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey. He carried out research work at Bell Labs in the Solid State Electronics Research department; his concentration being laser research.

In 1974, Michel Duguay was invited to work on an X-ray laser research project at the Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico. After one unsuccessful year on this project Duguay switched his activities to a solar optics project that quickly met with success. Duguay returned to AT&T Bell Labs in 1977 in the area of telecommunications research. In Holmdel, New Jersey, he worked in the area of semiconductor lasers and photonics until 1987.

Since March 1988 Michel Duguay has been a professor in the Département de génie électrique et de génie informatique at Laval University. He has been active in research in optical communications, in special relativity (the so-called diachronic time approach) and quantum optics, and on solar electric boats. Michel Duguay is the holder or co-holder of 30 US patents.

In the period 2006-2013 Duguay coordinated the Mouvement Sortons le Québec du nucléaire (MSQN). The MSQN in collaboration with 172 persons and 400 municipalities succeeded in convincing the government to shut down the Gentilly-2 nuclear reactor permanently, thereby saving more than six billion dollars.

In the 2013-2017 period Duguay has been active in the nuclear disarmament movement. He believes that drones could be used in warfare to save lives on both sides of a conflict. He has argued that the fast progress in the science of genetics and genomics could move humankind away from what author Elizabeth Crouch Zelman has described as tribalism, the idea that one’s kin group always knows best and deserves ones unquestioned adherence. Zelman’s 2015 book is entitled Our Beleagured Species, Beyond Tribalism.

Biography for John Duncan

John Duncan completed his PhD in the interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Social and Political Thought at York University in 1998, immediately after which he joined the faculty at the University of Kings College in Halifax. In 2002 he founded the international bilingual society for the study of Existential and Phenomenological Theory and Culture (EPTC) and served as its president until May 2009. During a 200405 sabbatical leave he was Ashley Fellow at Trinity College in the University of Toronto, a year in which he co-founded PhaenEx, EPTC’s interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal. He remained a PhaenEx executive editor until the summer of 2012 when he co-edited a 400-page issue in commemoration of EPTCs ten-year anniversary (PhaenEx 7.1., spring/summer, 2012). In the summer of 2005 he was appointed assistant professor and director of the Ethics, Society, and Law (E-S-and-L) program at Trinity, as well as an instructor in the Margaret MacMillan Trinity One Program in public policy, ethics, international relations, and health science, for which he served as director from July 2012 to August 2014. From 2006 to 2011 he was an executive member of the University of Toronto’s Centre for Ethics, for which he organized the October 2011 Public Issues Forum: On the very idea of a good war:

Afghanistan ten years in. Beginning at Trinity in 2007 and continuing in partnership with Victoria College in the University of Toronto (where he is an associate) from 2010, he co-founded the Humanities for Humanity engagement/outreach program and remains its academic director. Starting from the 2011-12 year he has led Victoria Colleges Culture, Conflict, and the Media seminar, and served as the academic director for its Theatre for Thought engagement/outreach program, both of which are part of Victoria’s Ideas for the World program. In January 2014 he became the first holder of the appointment of Faculty Adviser for the Ideas for the World program at Victoria. In September 2013 he founded Trinity’s Humanities for Humanity.2 (H4H.2) engagement/outreach program. He served from June 2013 to June 2015 as Vice President of the Canadian Peace Research Association (CPRA), and beginning in June 2015 as both the CPRA National Editor and as a Board Member for Science for Peace at the University of Toronto. He has co-edited a volume on the thought of Jean-Jacques Rousseau as well as issues of PhaenEx, written chapters, articles, reviews and opinion pieces on the history of philosophy, continental philosophy, and politics, and given talks on the same subjects. His feature article on close air support and civilian casualties in Afghanistan, Death from Above, first published in This Magazine, March/April, 2010, was re-published in Tightrope Books The Best Canadian Essays: 2011. He published a chapter in October 2013 on the virtue of deep dissent, and is currently working on a book on the war in Afghanistan.

Biography for Margrit Eichler

I am professor emerita from OISE/UT, Sociology and Equity Studies in Education. I have been a member and Secretary of Science for Peace for eight years. I appreciate the wealth of knowledge represented by members of this organization. I started a working group on muzzling science, which has now morphed into the organization Our Right to Know, which works in close cooperation with the working group on freedom for research. Muzzling of scientists remains an area of concern to me and I hope to stay involved in future efforts to address this issue. We have jointly participated in the recent march for science in downtown Toronto. I am happy to continue serving as Secretary.

Biography for Linda Kalafatides

Linda Kalafatides is a secondary school educator, who has dedicated the last ten years to anti-violence education. Inspired by, and working with her students, she created and taught a full credit curricular, grade 11 Interdisciplinary course on anti-violence education. The TDSB course addresses the everyday presence of violence in our personal lives and our global community. Students are empowered by learning practical skills for creating a safer, more peaceful world.

Linda is a member of several working groups including nuclear disarmament, public health and gender-based violence prevention. She has several years of experience working in women’s clinics, supporting victims of domestic violence and engaging in violence-prevention training. Linda continues initiatives to help youth develop healthier relationships with their peers, their family, their community and their planet.

Biography for Ellie Kirzner

I would be pleased and honoured, if elected, to serve on the board of Science for Peace.

For over three decades I was a writer and senior editor for NOW Magazine. There I reported on, and directed others to report on, issues of war, peace and pacifism, foreign policy, human and environment rights and social justice, as well as the activism that addressed these concerns. One of the first things I did upon retiring a few years ago was to ask to join Science for Peace, an organization I had long admired. My chief interest today lies in the resolution of conflict without weapons, and the science and practice of non-violent resistance. Currently, I co-chair the Working Group on Non-Violence and Civil Society.

Biography for Nivedita Das Kundu

Nivedita Das Kundu, MA & PhD, in International Studies. Post Doctorate in Security Studies. Associated with York University, Toronto. Her research expertise focuses on International Relations covering geopolitics, foreign policy, conflict resolution, and on the strategic dimensions of security. She also works on issues related to borders, forced migration and on WMD. Her Research area also focuses on womens issues and concerns. Her research publications include: research articles, occasional papers, op-ed articles, books and monographs. Her selected published books include: Russia and its Near Abroad: Strategic Dynamics and Implications; Baku-Tbilisi-Kars Rail-roads: Iron Ground for the Silk Road; Role of Russia in SCO: Possibilities and Challenges; Russia-India-China: Evolution of Geopolitical Strategic Trends; India-Russia Strategic Partnership: Challenges and Prospects; and India-Azerbaijan: The Silk Route Connection. Her very recent books are: India’s Emerging Partnerships with Eurasia: Challenges of New Regionalism, China’s One Belt One Road: Initiatives, Challenges and Prospects, and Developments in Central Asia: India-Kyrgyzstan Relations. She has taught in universities, and worked with prestigious government Think Tanks, and Institutes in different countries, as a faculty member. She is a member of OPCW (United Nations, Hague), Valdai discussion Club (Russia), Library of Congress, Woodrow Wilson Center, Association for Borderland Studies (USA). She is a recipient of the State Award Pushkin Medal. Fluent in English, Russian, Bengali and Hindi.

Biography for Margot Mandy

Margot Mandy was a graduate student with John Dove when Science for Peace was formed, and has been involved ever since. As a founding faculty member of the University of Northern British Columbia, she moved from Toronto to Prince George in 1994. As a professor of chemistry, she teaches physical and environmental chemistry in the context of place affected by climate change and impacted by resource development activities.

Biography for Gordon McBean

Professor Gordon McBean is President of the International Council for Science (ICSU), Co-Chair of the Governing Council for Future Earth: Research for Global Sustainability, Professor Emeritus of Geography at Western University, London, Canada, Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction and on other international and national committees. He was Professor at Western (2000-2015), Assistant Deputy Minister, Environment Canada (1994-2000) responsible for weather, climate and air quality sciences and services, Professor, Atmospheric-Oceanic Sciences, University of British Columbia (1988-94) and Senior Scientist in Environment Canada. He has been very active in international and national scientific programs: Chair (1988-94), World Climate Research Programme (1988-94); Chair, Integrated Research on Disaster Risk Program (2005-11); President, START International (environmental science capacity enhancement in Africa and Asia)(2009-15); Member, UNISDR S&T Committee (2008-12); Lead Author, IPCC Assessments (1990,1995, 2007, 2012); Lead investigator in ArcticNet (2004-11) and MEOPAR (2011) and President, Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences (2000-2011) and Chair, Canadian Climate Forum (2011-14). He is a Member of the Orders of Canada and of Ontario; shares the Nobel Peace Prize (2008) as a major contributor to IPCC; Fellow: Royal Society of Canada; American Geophysical Union; American Meteorological Society; International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics and others; and awarded, in 2015: University of British Columbia Alumni Award of Distinction; American Geophysical Union Ambassador Award; and American Meteorological Society Cleveland Abbe Prize.

Biography for Martin Muldoon

Martin Muldoon is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at York University. In the 1980s he was involved in the organization of conferences by the Calumet College Peace Committee. He has given talks to high school students on “Peace, War and Mathematics”. In the mid-90s, he was webmaster for Science for Peace and has served on the Board (2013-2017), on the nominating committee in 2015, and as an at-large member of the Executive committee (2015-2017).

Biography for Julie Nguyen

Dr. Julie Nguyen holds a Bachelor of Commerce, Honours Economics from Concordia University, a Masters in Economics, and a PhD (2004) in Interdisciplinary Studies and Asian Research both from the University of British Columbia. She was a consultant for the United Nations in Hanoi in 1997, conducted research on womens entrepreneurship in Vietnam, funded by the Asia-Pacific Foundation of Canada in 1998, and worked on international development projects in Vietnam funded by CIDA, IDRC and SSHRC (1996-2006).

Julie was a research associate at the Centre for Southeast Asia Research at the University of British Columbia (1996-99), conducted her postdoctoral research at the Munk School of Global Affairs (2004-06), and taught courses in Political Science, Asia-Pacific Studies, and Womens Studies at the University of Toronto and UTSC (200510). She is the author of two books on Ho Chi Minh, both written in English and Vietnamese, published in 2010 and 2013, both received bronze award from Vietnam Writers Association.

Julie is currently a Professor and Program Coordinator in International Business at Centennial College. She is a cofounder and director of the Canada Vietnam Trade Council, a non-profit organization that promotes trade and investment between the two countries. She is a board member of the Canada Vietnam Society; the Organization of Women in International Trade, Toronto Chapter; and the McCormick Playground Arena, City of Toronto.


Biography for Sorpong Peou

BA (University of Waterloo, Canada); MA and PhD (York University, Canada). Currently, Professor and Chair, Department of Politics and Public Administration, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada. Formerly Chair of the Department of Political Science, University of Winnipeg (Manitoba); Chair of the Advisory and Recruitment Committee for The Manitoba Chair of Global Governance Studies a joint program between the University of Winnipeg and the University of Manitoba. Prior to these academic appointments, Professor of International Security at Sophia University in Tokyo (Japan); Canada-ASEAN Fellow, as well as Fellow at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (Singapore). Academic fields of expertise: security and democracy studies, with regional focus on the Asia-Pacific. Major books: Human Security Studies: Theories, Methods and Themes (World Scientific and Imperial College Press, 2014); Peace and Security in the Asia-Pacific (Praeger 2010), Human Security in East Asia: Challenges for Collaborative Action, ed. (Routledge 2008), International Democracy Assistance for Peacebuilding: Cambodia and Beyond (Palgrave Macmillan 2007), Intervention and Change in Cambodia: Toward Democracy (St. Martins Press, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies and Silkworms, 2001) & Conflict Neutralization in the Cambodia War: From Battlefield to Ballot-box (Oxford University Press, 1997). Service: Editorial boards of Rethinking Peace and Conflict Studies (Palgrave Macmillan) and the peerreviewed journal Asian Politics & Policy (Wiley-Blackwell); regional editor of a peer-reviewed journal—The Asian Journal of Peacebuilding (Seoul National University Press, South Korea). Appointed Member of the Eminent Persons Group at the Asian Political and International Student Association; Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Cambodian Institute for Peace and Cooperation (Cambodia’s largest government institute), Distinguished Visiting Scholar at the Cambodian Development Research Institute; and member of an International Country Experts Network on UN Peacekeeping.

Biography for Olga Puzanova

Olga came to Canada from Stavropol, Russia. She got her Masters in International Humanitarian Law in 2007 when she was already a practicing lawyer. Immediately upon graduation Olga moved to St. Petersburg to launch her career as a corporate lawyer. She practiced law across the country, until moving to Canada four years ago.

Olga used to work in very diverse and challenging environments, including: private enterprises, government and juridical bodies. It gave her a broad perspective on Russian legislation and mechanisms of cooperation between various types of organizations on different levels. Olga obtained a postgraduate certificate in Government Relations in Toronto, and currently works in Public Affairs at a regulatory organization.

Biography for Richard Sandbrook

Richard Sandbrook is Professor Emeritus of Political Science at the University of Toronto and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. I am currently interested in understanding how the left can maintain its values while adapting to the hard realities of the 21st century. This concern informs my posts on the Progressive Futures Blog

Before recently shifting my focus to the West, I studied the democratic lefts experience in the Global South, counter-hegemonic globalization and the thinking of Karl Polanyi. I have taught in Kenya and Denmark, as well as Canada, and have been a visiting research fellow at the IDS, Sussex and the Centre for Development Research in Copenhagen. Africa has been the major site of my field work; I have also travelled widely in Latin America and Asia. My most recent books include Reinventing the Left in the Global South: The Politics of the Possible (CUP 2014), Civilizing Globalization: A Survival Guide (co-editor and co-author, SUNY Press, 2014), and Social Democracy in the Global Periphery: Origins, Challenges, Prospects (co-author, CUP, 2007).

Biography for Metta Spencer

I am an emeritus professor of sociology at University of Toronto, where I retired twenty years ago, after running a program in peace and conflict studies for thirteen years. I am editor of Peace Magazine, and retiring president of Science for Peace, where I have served two terms, plus some additional time as interim president. I have authored and edited numerous books, the most important of which are Foundations of Modern Sociology (an introductory sociology textbook that had ten editions), Two Aspirins and a Comedy, and The Russian Quest for Peace and Democracy. I expect to continue managing the weekly lectures so long as my service is useful and will continue to participate in various working groups, especially the ones on nonviolence and nuclear weapons.

Biography for Adnan Zuberi

Adnan Zuberi is a Canadian educator, citizen diplomat, and documentarian. While working as a teacher of mathematical sciences, computer technology, and civics at Toronto Prep School with a B.Math in Hon. Mathematical Physics from the University of Waterloo and a B. Ed from OISE, University of Toronto, he is also the Director of International Channels for Diplomacy (, an NGO he co-founded with North American diplomats to deescalate conflict and has directed panels with NATO, Russian, and Ukrainian government advisors and academics. Adnan’s current activities are focused on directing dialogues between NATO NGOs and Russia. His diplomatic work has been published by Carleton University’s foreign affairs hub (”). As a documentarian, he is the Director and Producer of the documentary, 9/11 in the Academic Community, which examines impairments in professional inquiry and the larger academic community’s treatment of critical perspectives of 9/11. The film was awarded for Documentary Achievement at the University of Toronto Film Festival and was endorsed by the former presidents/heads of McMaster University, State University of New York, NATOs research unit on Catastrophic Terrorism, the White House Terrorism Task Force, and the CBC, and is in the libraries and curriculum of several universities ( After assisting SfP activities, with the encouragement of Professors Robert Korol and John McMurtry, he became a member of SfP and intends to assist its executive functions as a representative of the younger generation with a wide variety of skills and a vocational dedication to scientific understanding to resolve crises and prevent war.



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