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Committee reports to the Science for Peace AGM 2017

Writer's picture: Science for PeaceScience for Peace

Blumenfeld Fund committee

A grant of $1,000 was provided at the request of Canadian Voice of Women for Peace in support of their participation in the activities of the United Nations.

Eryl Court

Communications committee

During 2016, members expressed concern about member engagement, and proposed that there a Communications Committee be created. Tom Davis and I initiated reviews of the Science for Peace social media tools to improve the engagement of supporters and members with Science for Peace and in Science for Peace activities, as well as recruit new members. Science for Peace has a rich set of electronic tools, e.g., website, Facebook Page and Group, and YouTube, Skype, Google+, etc., that have been added to the more traditional tools of The Bulletin, email listservs, general publications and posters, and face-to-face meetings. These tools need to integrated to ensure consistency of access and use, as well as to encourage supporter and member engagement.

In 2016 the improvements were largely limited to fixing broken links, or incorrect or outdated information. Further improvements and enhancements will require a committee, which has the resources, to be more directly involved and time to be involved with building Science for Peace social media.

We are looking for ideas, suggestions, or examples of the types of communication tools, especially social media suggestions that you and your acquaintances would find more useful, and would help Science for Peace increase membership, viewers, and meeting attendance.

Also, if you are interested in actively participating in bringing these tools together or new tools to the members, or just critiquing what exists today, please contact Bill Browett.

Bill Browett

Endorsements committeeEndorsements 2016-2017Seongju statement: Opposing THAAD Missile defence in South KoreaContribution to IPB of $500: initiative on NATO military spending.Greenpeace initiative: A Call for Public Safety: Addressing Nuclear Risks on the Great Lakes.Letter from organizations re abolishing nuclear weapons: President Trump: “I want to do the right thing for the American people”CNANW lessen risk of nuclear war.Letter to Cdn Ambassador to Israel, Deborah Lyons, requesting support of Mordechai Vanunu.Support 100% Renewables on twitter @100REOntario on TwitterLetter from CNSC WATCH (liquid nuclear waste transport Trudeau and ObamaElimination of irradiated weapons-grade uranium from Chalk RiverBeyond Nuclear: Stop a new nuclear bombEndorse James Graff Memorial Lecture (Sabeel)SfP Defence Policy ReviewCNANW May 2016 statement on nuclear weapons abolitionWorld Beyond War … Resist US war crimes.Protest NATO provocations against Russia (German foreign minister accuses NATO of warmongering against Russia)

For broader discussion: Montreal declaration against nuclear weapons and for phasing out all nuclear reactors (need more clarity about SfP position on nuclear reactors).

No action: SfP position on gender equality UN declaration

Publications committee

The publications committee has been re-structured. The committee as now structured consists of Jose Etcheverry, Martin Klein, Daniela Monaldi, Chandler Davis, and John Valleau. We have made a commitment to electronic publication and have made an arrangement to publish through the Library’s T-Space platform. Our contact person is Mariya Maistrovskaya in Roberts Library. Our goal is to produce several kinds of publications: research by members on peace-related subjects, particularly research in progress, publications based on the activities of working groups, and materials useful to teaching. Though members and the chairs of working groups have been informed of our intentions, we do not yet have any manuscripts. The one project we discussed was not in publishable form. Hopefully, in the coming year, we will be able to submit some projects to the new executive for its consideration.

Martin Klein



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