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Writer's picture: Science for PeaceScience for Peace

The Senate Of York University has ratified the enclosed set of motions. They were adopted by three separate votes, each passing by a majority. These votes came after six months of debate throughout the University.


“Be it resolved:
  1. that the Senate of York University rejects in the strongest terms possible the concepts of the Strategic Defense Initiative;

  2. that the Senate of York University urges all members of the University as an act of individual conscience not knowingly to undertake research which is funded by the Strategic Defense Initiative Office of Innovative Research;

  3. that the Senate of York University urges the administration not to accept funds on behalf of York University from the Strategic Defense Initiative Office of Innovative Research.”

-A.D. Stauffer M. Lanphier

The Science For Peace display that we mounted at the Canadian Federation of Biological Societies meeting here (University of Guelph) in June was well received. All of the brochures were distributed to interested conferees who stopped to look at the other publications — in spite of the information overload that usually attends such events. Perhaps an SfP sponsored lecture or discussion would he worth while in another year.

– Janet Wood

The Cry

For a long time there was fear – Fear of the apocalyptic flash Sucking in and lifting up death’s sustenance, The fearful blast negating creation, The neutering of the Seasons, The end of species,of nurturing, The Earth a prodigal star returned barren To a sterile fold.

But this was not to be – A cry arose From countless soldiers’ graves, From unborn children longing for light, From roses in gardens modelling beauty’s raiment A cry so powerful That trust replaced suspicion, Science spurned war and embraced peace, Concern for others assumed the place of greed. Life heard this cry, The uplands and the valleys became radiant, The deserts bloomed. And fear with all her friends was vanquished.

— Murray Wilton June 12, 1986


Accidental Nuclear War Conference Papers (Vancouver, May 26-30) are available in book form: The Nuclear Time Bomb: Assessing Accidental Nuclear War Dangers Through the Use of Analytical Models. Peace Research Institute, 25 Dundana Ave., Dundas, Ont. L9H 4E5. Price, $10 US.

Michael Wallace (Conference director) is having Michael Haag’s paper on 25 French nuclear weapons accidents translated into English.

Involved in attempting to establish an assessment center or institute concerned with accidental nuclear war in Canada are SfP members John Dove, Dianne DeMille, Michael Wallace, Alan Newcombe and Fred Knelman.

The International Accidental Nuclear War Prevention Newsletter is available from Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, 1187 Coast Village Rd., Suite 123, Santa Barbara CA 93108. No charge, but contributions to the foundation are appreciated.

Test ban

Canada’s silence in response to the extension by the Soviets of their moratorium on atom-bomb testing is unfortunate when viewed in the perspective of Canadian initiatives to halt testing as an essential means of restraining the nuclear arms race and curbing proliferation.

This silence leaves Canada by implication as accepting the response issued from Santa Barbara by a White House spokesman that “a nuclear test. ban is not in the security interests of the United States, our friends or our allies.” This comment came on the same day that the leaders of Argentina, Greece, India, Mexico, Sweden and Tanzania, meeting in Mexico, called on Moscow and Washington to halt testing under a verification plan the six countries would administer.

In Canada, successive governments, Conservative and Liberal, have had a test ban at the top of their agenda in arms control and disarmament. Howard Green, who was among those who led the fight for the Partial Test Ban Treaty in 1963, and scientists from Canada have played a leading part in using seismic technology to help bridge the “confidence gap” that has been the main obstacle to a comprehensive test ban.

Especially in this Year of. Peace, Canada’s voice should be raised to end testing reciprocally, lest we miss the opportunity provided by the Soviet offer to use the moratorium as a way toward a comprehensive test ban. In present circumstances, when the position of the U.S. Administration is “Mumble Mumble On Arms Control” (as the New York Times of Aug. 20 put it), Canada should be speaking out clearly on behalf of those who see a chance of finally putting a stop to nuclear proliferation.

George Ignatieff Anatol Rapoport John P. Valleau John E. Dove Science for Peace

Back To Back in The Toronto Star, of Aug. 22:

The Go-Ahead On Darlington

“Darlington represents more than anything else Ontario’s final plunge into a heavily nuclear future. Soon Metro residents will be surrounded by more canned radioactivity than anywhere else in the world.”

Time To Find A Solution To Problem Of A-Waste

“Protecting the next 300 generations against the dangers of nuclear waste is an imposing challenge. The management of high-level waste is a classic example of proceeding full-speedahead with a program while relying on a futuristic technological fix for its safe implementation. The funds appropriated for reactor technologies and weapons production have always dwarfed those granted for research on waste disposal.”

“Doing” Science For Peace

With the June issue of the Bulletin you received a flyer describing Energy Probe. With this issue, you may read about POLLUTION PROBE, another organization that shares some members, board members and interests with Science for Peace.

Officers for 1986 of the Waterloo Chapter are James Gardner, president; Cynthia Folzer, vice-president; Liviu Cananau, treasurer; Frank Thompson, speakers’ bureau; and David Roulston, secretary and contact person, Serving on the national SfP board this year will be Gardner, Folzer, Roulston and Thompson.

WELCOME! to a new SfP chapter: Science for Peace Manitoba, Officers for the year are F.M. Kelly, president; J. Luik, secretary; Grant Woods, treasurer; Peter Graham, Ian Carr, A. Schafer and A. Spence, directors. A first membership drive will be launched this month.

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