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82.40. American Psychiatric Association Meeting

In the Globe and Mail, (May 17, 1982, page C4) appears an account of talks given in Toronto at the APA by Bernard Lown (Harvard School of Public Health, President of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War), Carl Sagan, David Duncan (Astronomy and Space Sciences, Cornell), Bernard Feld (Nuclear Physics, MIT), Jerome Frank (Psychiatry, Johns Hopkins) and Roger Fisher (Law, Harvard). The impossibility of effectively dealing with the aftermath of a nuclear exchange and the difficulties raised for the reduction of nuclear armaments by the propaganda of the protagonists were main foci of the remarks made by the speakers.

82.41. 1982 Couchiching Conference

The 51st Couchiching Conference will be held at Geneva Park (Orillia) Ontario from July 28 – August 2. The theme of the conference is: “The New Cold War: political and military options for East and West” Further information is available from the Couchiching Institute on Public Affairs, telephone 416-489-9212.

82.42. Peace Unearth Directory

This Directory of Canadian Peace Organisations seeks to provide a handy reference tool for peace workers, educators and lay persons interested in pursuing peace initiatives (anglophone and francophone). Peace Unearth is to be published in June 1982 and is available for $6 (cheque or money order to MCC-Manitoba) from Peace Unearth, 1483 Pembina Highway, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2C7.

82.49. Peace And Disarmament Reading List

Members of Science for Peace may find this selection useful for their awn use, but it was compiled for distribution to community groups which we expect will be asking us for help in studying peace and disarmament issues as the November election approaches with the disarmament referendum on the ballot in many municipalities.

A very recent publication might be added: “The Arms Race and Arms Control”, a paperback edition of the SIPRI Yearbook 1982, published by Taylor and Francis at about $8 (SIPRI= Stockholm International Peace Research Institute). Chapters of Science for Peace should write to SIPRI, Bergshamra, S-171 73 Solna, Sweden for the SIPRI Brochure.

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