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82.58. Peace Brigades

In 1957, Vinoba Bhave founded Shanti Sena, the Peace Army, to deal with riots in Indian towns and cities. Dressed in distinctive uniforms, these peace “soldiers” would appear at a trouble spot and teams of them would interpose themselves between antagonists, talk with them about grievances and try to encourage a peaceful resolution of conflicts. Once violence was stopped, the members would provide relief and aid in reconstruction. In 1961, a conference in Beirut, Lebanon led to the formation of the World Peace Brigade. Unfor-tunately, this declined, but some WPB veterans sought to revive the concept.

In September 1981, a conference on Grindstone Island resulted in the organiza-tion of Peace Brigades International, which hopes to gain official standing for its work of reconciliation and relief.

Information on active peace organizations:

  1. Peace Brigades International, Box 199, Cheyney, PA 19319 U.S.A.

  2. Peaceworkers, 3565 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Lafayette, CA 94549 U.S.A.

  3. World Peace Army, 15 Rutherford Place, New York, NY 10003 U.S.A. (FOR Fellowship, July/Aug. 1982, pp. 9-10, 24)

82.57. Grant Awarded To Student Pugwash

MRC, SSHRC and NSERC have awarded a $27,000 grant to Canadian Student Pugwash after its first National Conference in June 1981 on “Science in Society: its freedom and regulation” and a consequent book published in April, 1982. A conference on “Science, Knowledge and Power” is planned for June 1983. Infor-mation: CSP, Marc Tessier-Lavigne, Suite 805, 151 Slater St., Ottawa, Ontario KIP 5H3 (CAUT Bulletin, Sept. 1982, p. 9).

82.60. Peace Research Laboratory

The Peace Research Laboratory is the oldest continuously operating peace research centre in the world. Founded by Dr. Theodore F. Lentz in 1945, it encourages scientists to use their expertise for the promotion of peace and supports many projects and publications. Its current director is Dr. William Eckhardt, 800 Kingsland Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63130 U.S.A. (314-727-2563). h2. 82.63. Ottawa Cruise Missile Demonstration: Oct. 30

On Saturday, October 30, 1982 there will be a demonstration in Ottawa to stop the Cruise Missile. Peace Buses will leave Toronto (Sidney Smith Hall, 100 St. George Street) at 6:30 a.m. and return either the same day (cost $18.) or the next day (cost $20.). Tickets: ASSU, SS 1068; GSU, 16 Bancroft Ave.; SCM, Hart House. Information: S. Winterton (UCAM) 924-6571; Toronto October 30 Committee 469-1306.

82.64. Ploughshares Asks For Support Of Minority Report

[See item 82.20. Position Paper No. 2, S4P Bulletin, Vol. 2, May 7, 1982.]

Six MP’s in Ottawa issued a dissenting report to the official one of the Standing Committee on External Affairs and National Defense. Project Ploughshares urges that, despite support of this Minority Report already indicated, further action is needed. “Individuals should contact every MP – starting with their own. Ask them to support the Minority Report. If he/she does, reply with thanks and keep a record of the response. If the reply is inconclusive or negative, reply in turn with questions and information supporting the report. Keep the discussion open”. Correspondents should send a copy of the MP’s statement and other documents to Judy Evaski-McLean, President, ENNUF, 12530 110 Ave., Edmonton, Alberta T5M 215 (Ploughshares Monitor, Newsreport, Sept. 1982, p. 2).

82.66. Vote Yes For Disarmament

[See item 82.16, 82.17, S4P Bulletin, Vol. 2, May 7, 1982]

The question that the Toronto electorate will vote on is “Do you support nuclear disarmament by all nations on a gradual basis with the ultimate goal of a world free from nuclear weapons, and mandate your federal government to negotiate and implement with other governments steps which would lead to the earliest possible achievement of this goal?” A letter from Debbie Trainor, Member of the Finance/Fundraising Committee outlines the steps taken by the Toronto Disarmament Network to solicit a yes vote: a pamphlet, a press kit, special ward events and, possibly, buttons and bumper stickers. However, she is concerned that funds will be short and requests prompt donations to Vote Yes for Disarmament (Toronto), Suite 717, 133 Wilton St., Toronto, Ont. M5A 4A4. Cheques payable to “Yes Vote Campaign, Toronto”.

82.67. Peace Tax Committee

Edith Adamson, coordinator of the Peace Tax Fund Committee, informs S4P that one can subscribe to a newsletter and donate to a legal fund which will finance the support of a test case. Write to the Committee, Victoria Monthly Meeting, Religious Society of Friends (Canada), 1831 Fern Street, Victoria, B.C. V8R 4H4.

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