Science for Peace is a Member Organization of INES, which has organized several projects since our last report over a year ago (Bulletin Vol.12, No.1, December 1992).
INESCO: International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Conversion hosted a conference in Tallinn, Estonia, in June 1993, entitled: “Market, Industry, Energy: practical opportunities in Estonia and St. Petersburg for conversion of military industries”.
If you want to be on the mailing list for the INESCO Newsletter, contact:
SWENESCO, Research Park IDEON S-22370, Lund, Sweden. Fax: 46-46-182372
INESAP: International Network of Engineers and Scientists against Proliferation constituted itself as a branch of INES at a conference in Muhlheim, Germany, in August, 1993.
Contact: Drs. Wolfgang Liebert & Jurgen Scheffran IANUS, Technical University D-64289, Darmstadt, Germany Fax: 49-6151-164321 e-mail:
INES Student Symposium was held in Berlin in September 1993, when a Student Network within INES was established, with Working Groups on Ecology (Riga-Moscow) and aid for Bosnian students in Croatia (Zagreb-Berlin).
INES Standing Committee on Ethical Questions held a very productive meeting in October, 1993. Contact: Dr. H. J. Fischbeck
Evangelische Akademie D-45479, Muhlheim, Germany. Fax: 49-208-5590660
Future Meetings:
In June 1994 in Dortmund, Germany, meetings will take place of the INES Council, the INES Standing Committee on Ethical Questions, and INES Student Network.
An International Workshop on “Science, Engineering and Development” is scheduled by INES for November 17 – 20, 1994, in Cairo, Egypt.
Science for Peace and INES:
Science for Peace became a Member Organization of INES in the Spring of 1992. We asked our members to contribute financially in order for SfP to become a member of INES. We suggested a contribution to INES of $50 to match the annual membership fee of Science for Peace. Very few members responded, perhaps because it was not clear at that time what INES could accomplish. We submit that INES now has a proven record of achievements and we want to support its initiatives.
For a copy of INES Newsletter, December 1993, or for information on how to make your membership contribution to INES, contact:
Eric Fawcett, Physics Department, University of Toronto, Toronto M5S 1A7
Fax: 416-978-7606 e-mail: