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Educational Module: Weaponization of Space

Writer's picture: Science for PeaceScience for Peace

As you may know, a project to develop a presentation kit on the topics of the peaceful uses and the weaponization of space has been underway since this past June. The main objectives of our project are: (1) to familiarize high school students with the implications of the U.S. National Missile Defence (NMD) system and the threat of space weaponization, and (2) to empower students to positive action on these issues, generating a sustained contact with Science for Peace. To date, we have completed the presentation kit, and are moving into Phase II of our project wherein the presentation will be delivered to upper-year high school classes.

The kit consists of a one-hour script, instructions for interactive activities, corresponding visuals, and supplementary documents. Our presentation covers many issues that are rarely emphasized in a high school classroom, such as the history of weapons of mass destruction, insight into international disarmament treaties, and information on NGOs working towards peace. To date, the presentation has undergone two formal trial runs which generated gratifying approval and useful feedback.

Currently, we are in the process of gathering U of T student volunteers who will be trained in delivering the presentation. Starting in the New Year, these “trainees” will give the presentation in high school classrooms across the city. Additionally, some students at the University of Victoria intend to use the presentation kit in high schools in their province. Our plan is to have the entire kit available on the Science for Peace website.

Several high school teachers have expressed enthusiasm in having our presentation given in their school; one physics teacher was so keen that he said he would be willing to dedicate an entire week’s worth of activity to NMD and weapons in space. We are very encouraged and excited by this reception.

If you are interested in attending a presentation, or would like more information about our work please contact Sidrah at

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