83.9 Philip Morrison On Nuclear War
Philip Morrison’s experience of the science of nuclear war and also of its impact on the city and people of Hiroshima makes him unique among all nuclear scientists. This film, Philip Morrison on nuclear war, made in the fall of 1980, will be repeated on David Suzuki’s C.B.C. Program “The Nature of Things” on Wednesday, February 23 at 8:00 p.m.
83.10 Conference On Development And Disarmament, Ottawa March 8-10
Over recent years, the link between development and disarmament has become increasingly clear. The growth of the arms race and the spread of militarism have made true development impossible for many countries, and this growing inequity has spurred even the poorest of them to search for military prowess at the expense of meeting basic human needs. Disarmament and development are different faces of the same issue, and real progress can only be made on either as their interrelatedness is understood. Pope Paul VI put this connection succinctly: “If you want peace, work for justice.”
In order to enable the development and peace community to investigate this connection more fully, the Canadian Council for International Co-operation is planning a conference in Ottawa for March, 1983. The conference will co-incide with the government’s 1st annual Hi-Tec Industries Export Conference, a sort of weapons trade show intended to help Canadian defence and hi tech industries identify and capitalize on world export market opportunities. Canada finds itself in what many consider a highly contradictory position. While involved in development programs, Canada at the same time remains one of the world’s leading arms traders. As a symbol of that active involvement, the Hi-Tec conference raises issues for us about militarism, the growing nuclear threat, good vs. bad trade, and underdevelopment. Against this background then, the conference will examine such areas as: the international links between disarmament and development; the role of Canadian government and industry in the arms race; the consequences of that involvement for development in Canada and in the Third World; alternative such as conversion, good trade and development; and a look at how we can work together for change.
The registration fee of $50 will include dinner on Tuesday March 8 and Wednesday, and lunch on Wednesday and Thursday, as well as a package of resource materials. Accommodation in the price range of $16-26 per night will be available at the YM-YWCA. Further enquiries: write CCIC, 321 Chapel St., Ottawa KIN 7Z2 or telephone 613-236-4547.
83.15 Course And Conference At The University Of Guelph
In January, a course on nuclear disarmament given by Professor Henry Wiseman was inaugurated. It attracted a great deal of public interest to the extent that 190 students showed up on the first night and Professor Miseman was interviewed on CBC Toronto’s Metro Morning on Thursday, January 13.
A fall conference in connection with Disarmament Week is being held at the University of Guelph on October 27-29, with the following day open for extra study sessions. This international conference will focus on the themes: (1) arms control and alternative provisions for security; (2) cost and consequences of the arms race; (3) effects of the arms race on Third World development; (4) environmental and medical consequences of nuclear war. Further information: Professor Henry Wiseman, Department of Political Studies, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1 (519) 824-4120 ext. 3535.