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83.31. Don Bates Speaks At The Annual General Meeting

Writer's picture: Science for PeaceScience for Peace

(April 6, 1983)

Dr. Don G. Bates, Professor of History of Medicine, Chairman of the McGill Study Group for Peace and Disarmament and a director of Physicians for Social Responsibility (Canada) conducted a seminar on “After the Cruise — where next?” at the annual general meeting of Science for Peace in Toronto on April 6, 1983.

Dr. Bates felt that the issue of testing the cruise missile in Canada would soon be settled, one way or the other, and that we should look ahead to other issues. He pointed to a Financial Post article which referred to pressure on Canada from the United States ro refurbish the DEW-line and improve air defenses. As Canada’s role in NORAD is subject to change, we must adhere to a policy based on principle rather than opportunism. Currently, it appears that we will do without nuclear weapons on our soil since this saves us money, but we are still willing to sell uranium and to participate in high technology.

Public pressure will undoubtedly be necessary to bring about arms reductions, as it led to the comprehensive test ban treaty. The responsibility of scientists is to show the pub,ic how technology can serve peace as well as war, and how the needs of defense ,nd verification can be served. They should maintain a skepticism towards claims of military superiority and stress how fallible our systems can be. Science for Peace must put down deep roots, particularly in our educational institutions.

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